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MBTV: Electric Independence: Marching Into the Future With Devo

Even including the weirdly-accessorized New Wave heyday, was there ever a band as assuredly from the future as Devo? It's doubtful. Between their attire, occasional on-stage antics and endless reel of synth-heavy astro jams, Devo has a loving place in...

Even including the weirdly-accessorized New Wave heyday, was there ever a band as assuredly from the future as Devo? It’s doubtful. Between their attire, occasional on-stage antics and endless reel of synth-heavy astro jams, Devo has a loving place in the heart of every music futurist, ours included. Luckily for all of us, Motherboard couldn’t fight the uncontrollable urge to hang out with the men (nay, Devo!) at their amazing spaceship of a studio to talk about their rich and strange musical trip, from basement tinkering in Akron, Ohio to subverting dominant cultural paradigms.

They shared their favorite circuit bent gear and antique synths (one of which was allegedly liberated from Pink Floyd’s dumpster). Dressed in their finest space uniforms, they explained the lengths they’d go to work with their beloved, but finicky, Moog synths, which sometimes meant hiring “large” women from the crowd to huddle around their instrument racks to warm them to operating temperature.

If watching a tennis racket-mounted circuit bent adding machine (complete with strobe light!) turns out to be just too much for you to handle on video, you’re in luck: Devo is on tour right now. They land in NYC on December 13.

by Derek Mead