FedEx Field Plays Wrong National Anthem for El Salvador Before Friendly With Argentina


This story is over 5 years old.


FedEx Field Plays Wrong National Anthem for El Salvador Before Friendly With Argentina

FedEx Field, home to Dan Snyder's football team, played the wrong national anthem for El Salvador before a friendly with Argentina.

FedEx Field, home to the NFL's most embarrassing franchise and owner, did both Washington and Dan Snyder proud today when the wrong anthem was played for El Salvador before kicking off a friendly with Argentina. The players reaction is pretty telling and extremely awkward.

The anthem is usually the time in broadcasts when the cameraperson walks down the line of players as they listen/sing/mentally prepare for the game. This time, it was just a lot of confused faces looking around you can almost read their minds: What…uh…is this us? I don't think this is us. Should…should I stop covering my heart with my hand? I'm going to stop covering my heart with my hand.

The Washington Post has a roundup of Salvadoran fans at the game who were none too pleased to hear the wrong anthem. It's hard to tell what is actually being played, but one Twitter user suggested the national anthem of Kazakhstan, and it does seem to match up. Argentina went on to beat El Salvador 2-0, and Messi didn't even play.
