
Monthly Horoscope: Sagittarius, January 2024

Consider what you have and who you want to share it with this month.

Capricorn season draws your focus to what you have as the sun illuminates your chart’s house of personal resources, particularly ones that are precious or limited, like your time or energy. The sun changes signs on January 20, which will be about those closest to you, and those who you break bread with like your neighbors, siblings, or roommates. 

You’re approaching your relationships with maturity and duty as love planet Venus clashes with serious Saturn on January 1, which could find you in bed earlier, or wanting to change your traditions. Delays and slowness arrive as Mercury retrograde ends on January 1.


This Mercury retrograde took place in your sign, which found you redefining yourself, your identity, and your relationships! Who you are to other people, and how you define yourself, has evolved and become more refined over this timespan, and as Mercury moves forward through your sign, you’re repeating yourself with more certainty.

You’re more motivated to achieve financial goals as action planet Mars enters Capricorn on January 4. You might be looking at ways to invest your energy and time in a way that’s most efficient and concentrated. Rather than multitasking, you’re simplifying your ambitions.

How you define yourself isn’t so clear, and continues to be open-ended as Mercury clashes with Neptune, the planet of spirituality, on January 9 for the third time (think back to November 27 and December 27). This can bring up matters of religiousness or questions about beliefs. 

You’re figuring out how to deal with disruptions to your work or lifestyle, and finding a clear answer to things that seem to be out of the ordinary, as the sun harmonizes with Uranus, on January 9. Even if you’re dealing with instability or uncertainty in your day-to-day life, you’re able to put your energy and effort into creating stability as Mars connects with Saturn, also on January 9. This helps you focus on building and fortifying your home.


Use the new moon on January 11 to get a fresh start with a budget—this can be a budget of time or money. Over the coming month, money can come from unexpected places, since this new moon harmonizes with Uranus. This can also show some mixed feelings about financial changes, and trying to find stability when dealing with surprises.

You’re hopeful that you will succeed in your tasks and commitments as Mars harmonizes with your planetary ruler Jupiter on January 12. There’s an ambitious and determined energy to accomplish what you need in order to support yourself and live up to your promises!

You’re able to gain a better assessment of your finances and budget when Mercury re-enters Capricorn on January 13. This re-hashes conversations about money and spending from early December; it also gives you a better idea of how much time you have to spare.

Get insight into the stories that you were told growing up, or a belief system that you were born into, as the sun connects with Neptune on January 15. This is a good aspect to upsell yourself or to ask for what you want, too.

You’ve needed time to gather data to get the most accurate calculation over the past Mercury retrograde, and now that you’ve assessed the trade-offs and crunched the numbers, you can make a fair call as Mercury connects with Saturn, the planet of commitments, for the third time on January 18 (the first two times this aspect was exact were December 2 and 21). This can help you make a reliable fair trade agreement. You’re moving toward being paid for a job that is satisfying to you as Mercury harmonizes with Jupiter for the third time. (Think back to December 7 and 18 for more clues.)


Also on January 19, Venus clashes with Neptune, which can bring up themes of body image, self worth, and self esteem. How you feel about yourself is directly related to stories, trends, and fashions inherited from your childhood.

You can get a look into the heart of your financial situation as the sun meets with power planet Pluto, showing you your own resources and how to make the most of them on January 20.

Aquarius season starts on January 20: During Aquarius season, the sun moves through your chart’s house of communication, and the month marks a mentally active time of you’re learning from your friends. Pluto enters Aquarius, giving you a sense of things that can be transformed or magnified in your life over the coming decades. How you communicate and express yourself will evolve, but this transit will also touch the lives of your siblings, neighbors, and roommates. Also on this day, Mercury clears its post-retrograde shadow, meaning the irresolute conversations that have been going back and forth since November are finally squared away.

Get grounded in sensual pleasure as Venus enters Capricorn on January 23. This connects you to the physical realm, and can bring pretty and precious things into your possession.

The full moon in fellow fire sign Leo falls on January 25, illuminating your chart’s house of higher education and travel. This can be a time when you have announcements to make, news to share, or information to put out there. Whatever you have to say, you’re supported by your lifestyle choices as this full moon squares off with your planetary ruler, Jupiter.

You’re addressing your work and health responsibilities as the sun clashes with Jupiter on January 27. You might be feeling like your daily routine is erratic, or like you have to deal with some element of instability as Uranus ends its retrograde in your chart’s lifestyle sector. You’re focused on hitting your targets and hustling when Mercury meets with Mars, also on January 27. You’re motivated by metrics that can be measured and proven, so you might take on a lot in the process.

You’re downsizing or simplifying to be more available to others as Venus connects with modest Saturn and then generous Jupiter on January 28. You’re thinking outside of the box and willing to break out of your routine in order to support yourself and your lifestyle as Mercury harmonizes with Uranus on January 28. Mars also harmonizes with Uranus on January 29, which shows you engaging with new technology or modern work—possibly fighting with a robot.

Good luck, Sagittarius, see you in February!