
Weekly Horoscope: April 5 - 11

There's a new moon in Aries this week!
Robin Eisenberg

Think about what it is that you’re after, and who can put you in touch with it as Venus, the planet of desires, connects with action planet Mars on Tuesday, April 6 at 7:17 AM. This is good for asking for what you want! Connect with someone who has the clout to get you whatever it is that you’re after.

We’re making changes based on our ideals as action planet Mars clashes with Neptune, the planet of beliefs, on Friday, April 9, at 3:17 PM. There are things that just don’t match the aesthetic that we’re going for, and we are not above following or inventing trends right now. There may be fights based on abstract beliefs—just try to remember what is and isn’t real life!


Luckily our thoughts get some grounding—even if that means they’re based in social structures—as Mercury connects with serious Saturn on Saturday, April 10, at 11:08 AM. We’re interested in ideas and how they are or aren’t built to last. A contract could be signed, or a thoughtful rejection may be issued. There is hope and a chance to move onto something bigger and better as Venus connects with lucky Jupiter at 2:53 PM, also on Saturday. This is a positive aspect between two positive planets, so there are positive implications: People will be generous with their affections, but possibly insatiable.

The week ends with a new moon in Aries on Sunday at 10:30 PM. This is a time for everyone to think about their individual needs, which are inevitably connected to the collective. There is something unifying about turning inward. This new moon connects with both Mars and Jupiter, providing fertile ground for hopeful connections with one’s local community. Love planet Venus clashes with power planet Pluto at 11:20 PM, purging issues of jealousy and control in relationships, and challenging the core of people’s desires.

All times ET.


Having Venus, the planet of desires, in your sign is good for attracting what you want! Venus connects with your planetary ruler Mars, giving you more motivation to ask for exactly that, and asking for help from neighbors, colleagues, siblings, or roommates can boost your chances at getting what you want. There is an effort to address brain fog and confusion as Mars clashes with Neptune, the planet of delusions. You have faint impressions, but now you’re putting in effort to address things, charging into the dark. Beginner’s luck is with you as Venus connects with lucky Jupiter. The new moon in your sign is perfect for planting the seeds for something you’re trying to grow for the rest of the year!



You can strike gold in unexpected places as your planetary ruler Venus connects with action planet Mars. By asking the right questions or connecting to the right people, you can find a way to be more resourceful. You can privately reach out to someone very experienced, as messenger Mercury connects with serious Saturn, presenting the opportunity for you to make a move in silence. It could be your lucky day as Venus connects with lucky Jupiter, giving you the opportunity to branch out in ways you didn’t think were possible before. The new moon in Aries will be a sleepy one as you make the final to-do list and tie up all of the loose ends before Taurus season begins!


You’ve been active with Mars in your sign, and now it’s a little unclear what the target is as it clashes with foggy Neptune. You’re ready to fight for something that you believe in, even if it’s not so clearly defined. Taking a step toward it can help bring you some clarity. There is a little mental heaviness as your planetary ruler, Mercury, connects with somber Saturn, but you have the opportunity to work through these mind blocks, especially in conversation with another person. The new moon in Aries is a new opportunity for you to create friendships and connections that fit your dreams. Being involved in a larger group is important right now, so don’t be afraid to reach out first.


You’ve been getting positive attention from the public this Aries season@ Now you have an opportunity to do a secret project as Venus connects with action planet Mars. There is a negotiation or an ability to talk about what you need in order to contribute fairly as messenger Mercury connects with Saturn, the planet of responsibilities. There is someone generous in your pocket, and if you ask for more funding or more time, they will be willing to provide as Venus connects with lucky Jupiter. The new moon presents a fresh slate in your career or public-facing life. Take the time to think about what you want to get rid of so that you can create more space for others.



You’re setting new records for yourself and looking out onto brighter horizons during Aries season. In order to reach these goals or find these new vantage points, you might want to ask your partners for more certainty or stability. You are asking for more commitment or definition from others, not just your romantic partners, in order to have a better understanding of what your vision entails. You’re trying to build something that is meaningful to you both. The new moon in your house of distant travels, beliefs, and higher education, gives you the opportunity to ask yourself what you need to learn in order to reach the next level. You have to be willing to be foolish.


There’s a lot of activity in your career and public life and you’re trying to make it make sense to other people as action planet Mars clashes with Neptune. You can feel inspired to live up to ideals that you think would add more sparkle and meaning to your relationships. You’re feeling around in the dark these days with your planetary ruler, Mercury, in an intuitive place in your chart. As Mercury connects with Saturn, you’re figuring out how your time adds up into financial figures. This could be a good moment to speak to an accountant or someone with experience in this realm. This week’s new moon occupies a financial place in your chart. This is also a place where you have to learn how to trust others, or ask for help!



You have a lot of support at your disposal right now: Your planetary ruler Venus, is in your house of partnerships, attracting the things that you value in your interpersonal commitments. Plus Venus harmoniously connects with both assertive Mars and Jupiter, the planet of expansion, giving you plenty of opportunities to build connections that make sense to you! Consider the relationship dynamics that no longer serve you, or others, with this week’s new moon in your house of partnerships. Venus clashes with transformative Pluto, digging up a lot of dirt about the things that you are so fixated on. This is a time to see how your relationships engage with your shadow, and to bring awareness to yucky, invisible power dynamics so that trust can be forged.


You can ask for a reward for your good behavior as love planet Venus harmoniously connects with your planetary ruler, Mars. This is the opportunity to ask someone for their assistance or their money in order to accurately reflect your worth! You’re pulling things out of other people’s purses as your planetary ruler, Mars, is in your house of shared resources, giving you access to a resource pool. As Mars clashes with Neptune, there could be an investment in your sex life or your creative process that really makes dreams happen. Step into a new routine or pick up something new so that you can put something down with the new moon in your chart’s house of lifestyle.



Your partners, or other people, have been more assertive when it comes to getting their way, as action planet Mars has been in your house of partnerships. There is a push toward doing something that you both believe in as Mars clashes with Neptune, the planet of spirituality and dreams. It’s a gesture, but it’s something! Venus, the planet of love, connects with your planetary ruler Jupiter, making it easy to express your affections and creative ideas. The flame of conversation is fanned! The new moon in Aries brings a fresh start in your friendships, hookups, and creative projects. This is a time to be honest about what makes you happy and brings you pleasure, and to break ground there.


The pace picks up in your routine as Venus connects with Mars. You’re making your home working environment more pleasant, and finding ways to squeeze in more personal down time. There are other people you can ask to do things for you, always. The planet of communication, Mercury, connects with your planetary ruler Saturn, and a serious investment is made, either financially or with your most precious resource, time. You can find some good home appliances or have an itch to shop as Venus connects with opulent Jupiter. You’re getting a deeper understanding of your habits and desires as Venus clashes with Pluto, compelling you to make a bold move. The new moon brings new beginnings, or endings, in your home life.



Fair agreements are made and long-term contracts may be signed as Mercury, the planet of communication, connects with your planetary ruler, Saturn. This is a moment where you can make a commitment to your future self. Form or break a habit, and have an accountability buddy. You have a positive outlook on things as love planet Venus connects with optimistic Jupiter, which is in your sign for the majority of this year. Sharing your thoughts can create a pleasant atmosphere for everyone in your proximity. The new moon falls in your house of communication, siblings, and local neighborhood, bringing you a fresh start. This is a great time to start a conversation, or to pick up a new skillset. 


Family members or people at home are challenging your beliefs as aggressive Mars clashes with idealistic Neptune, your modern planetary ruler. This can compel you to change your ideas, or to just be aggravated, as you feel like your very thoughtful ideologies are being called into question. Either way, you’re passionate about what you think is ideal this week. You can find some hidden gems while shopping as beauty planet Venus connects with Jupiter, your traditional planetary ruler. This week’s new moon falls in your chart’s house of personal resources, asking you to address money in a new way. This can be the start of a new venture for you to forage and get the goods for everyone in your presence to share.

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