• Friday Tyrant - Mozipedia

    Go on, call fag on me all you want for this and I won't care: I purchased the fuck out of Mozipedia: The Encyclopedia of Morrissey and The Smiths.

  • Friday Tyrant - The Beast, Watered

    I've grown oh so weary with humans and their human stories. Give me the pawing animal, the beast, chest out. Give me the instinct. Sam Michel sets his meat hook into you right at the nose. Then he tugs.

  • Friday Tyrant - Scott McClanahan, Hick Christ

    This post is destined to be one of those ones that, in years to come, people will go digging through the archives and find this article and be all, "Man, this fuckup knew way ahead of time what the situaish was with McClanahan."

  • Friday Tyrant - How to Write a How to

    If you have been paying any attention at all, you may have noticed the abundance of internet articles beginning with the same two words. Two Words this, Two Words that, Two Words everywhere.

  • What Drug Names Mean to Me

    Do you ever just think of shit? I'm always, like, thinking of shit. It's always shit that doesn't matter too.

  • Friday Tyrant - The Best American Bullshit of 2010

    I am always looking out for the best. For example, there are anthologies of what are called "the best" short stories. In fact, there are many of these anthologies.

  • Friday Tyrant - The Gospel of Anarchy

    Besides drawing a circle around the letter "A" on a few lockers at my junior high school (some circles contained the "A," some circles the "A" broke through), the amount of serious thought I've given to anarchism or anything at all political is at a...


  • August Horrorscopes

    This isn't any life-affirming bullshit.

  • Folsom Street Fair

    It's good to stay grounded, good to be put in your place. Sometimes it's helpful to be shown exactly where you stand. That's why hob-nobbing with the fetishists is a must and can be as instructive as it is liberating.

  • Friday Tyrant - Women Can't Write

    But! There's this one woman from Kentucky who was wise enough to just say she had a big old dick in order to get her stories published. "Here's my story. Yes, I have a penis."

  • Friday Tyrant - Give Lish A Chance

    Something big, a big book, is in the works. You ever heard of Gordon Lish? If you have, odds are you're thinking about that tiff he had with Raymond Carver that's been going on for ages and that is now officially dead even though people keep talking...