T. Kid

T. Kid

  • Sour Joe

    After Sour Joe and I smoked weed together during our freshmen orientation, we became best friends. For years, we spent every weekend together smoking pot in his row house apartment, but everything changed when I moved to New York City and Sour Joe...

  • The Pot-Free Punk Band

    Midway through high school, Chucky, the biggest bad ass I knew, invited me to join his punk band. I was super excited until I realized Chucky hated weed and his idea of punk rock was sitting on his couch watching reruns.

  • T. Kid's College Graduation

    Just before my senior year of college, it occurred to me that I might actually lose out pretty big in life if I didn’t graduate. I had spent much of the previous three years smoking blunts, taking hallucinogens, and wandering around Philadelphia with...

  • Reality Strikes a Cheerleader

    After college started, I lost contact with everyone from high school except for a couple of punks—at least until I ran into a cheerleader on the train, and she decided to apologize to me for bullying people throughout our teen years.

  • There's Something About Bill

    An aged punk with the tattoos and beer belly to prove it, Bill was an awesome guy. Living with him meant I got to spend my last year in Philly with one of the best guys I have ever known, while also solving a little mystery about Bill along the way.

  • Will the NFL Tolerate Weed?

    This Sunday’s Super Bowl will feature teams from the two US states where marijuana is legal for recreational use. The heady coincidence unwittingly shines a spotlight on our country’s shifting opinions on legalization, a fact that is not lost on...

  • Blazed-Out Moms

    A couple of weeks ago, I was crashing at my mom’s house while my aunt and her friend were visiting her. When I realized we had drank half our wine supply, I broke out my travel jar of weed and started rolling a joint. My aunt was eyeing the operation...

  • Did Obama Just Screw Weed Legalization by Supporting It?

    If we’ve learned one thing about our president, it’s that conservatives find it easiest to irrationally rally against him on social issues like this one.

  • Why I'm Over Dabbing

    In itself, dabbing is a pretty innovative way of ingesting cannabis, and it gets you high as absolute fuck. I’m glad that it exists as an option, but its half-baked delivery systems make me think twice about making it a habit.

  • Blazing in the Woods

    This past Christmas, I unwittingly lit a joint in the first place I had ever smoked weed. A distinct memory didn't strike me when I lit up. As I crouched by the back door in my dad's garage, I was as scared about the garage door opening and my father...

  • T. Kid Goes to Denver

    I hate New Year’s Day. I always find a way to escape the typical festivities, and this year I had the perfect excuse—I wanted to be one of the first people to buy legal weed in America. In order to do so, I had to arrive at sunrise on January 1 at a...

  • I Like to Stay Home

    Just after I graduated from college, I was out drinking, positively shitfaced, with a friend in Baltimore when we were jumped by a gang of boys trying to steal our cell phones. One of them stabbed me in the throat with a broken glass bottle.