Bashar Assad

  • Fighting in Syria Is Inching Lebanon Closer to Civil War

    As world leaders meet at the Geneva II conference to discuss the conflict in Syria, violence there is bleeding over its borders into neighboring Lebanon. Now, after multiple bombings in Tripoli, Lebanon may be headed toward the brink.

  • Strolling the Champs-Élysées with 120,000 Syrian Refugees

    On August 21, Mohamed watched rockets fly over his village outside Damascus. Rumors spread that the rockets had been loaded with sarin nerve gas. When he returned home, two of his children were dead. Mohamed left Syria, and five days later, I met him...

  • Vladimir Putin Is Charming the Pants Off the G20

    The Russian leader keeps showing up Barack Obama on Syria. There are many theories as to why the wave of opinion is pushing back against American intervention in the Middle East, but maybe it's that Putin is just cooler than Obama.
