• Arto Saari - Trailer

    Back like a bat out hell, Epicly Later'd kicks off its fifth year of production with Arto Saari. Arto's story has it all, from the skate-fairy tale beginning of his career to his awe-inspiring video parts and near death handrail experiences.

  • Bonus: Behind the Scenes in Photos

    A small sampling of the style of photos that inspired the people at VICE to ask Patrick to make a show out of his blog, Epicly Later'd.

  • Bonus: Jake Phelps

    Jake Phelps reminds me of the editor of the Daily Planet in Spider-Man.

  • Bonus: Beagle

    This episode really embodies what this show is all about.

  • Bonus: 2007 Original Skate Footage

    This week's bonus episode features all the skate footage we shot for the first year of Epicly Later'd.

  • Bonus: Supreme

    This little bonus feature was filmed in late 2006, before the first Epicly Later'd even aired. The video features Javier Nunez leading Patrick on a tour of Supreme LA, all the while giving us insight into his idea of great customer service.

  • Bonus: Jacob Rosenberg

    Jacob Rosenberg was the main man behind the video camera for the first two Plan B videos, Questionable and Virtual Reality. He got his start helping out with H Street videos and the Blind video.

  • Bonus: Braydon Szafranski in NYC

    If this doesn't inspire you to get a satanic themed tattoo, we don't know what will.

  • Bonus: Bryan Herman's House

    This extra from the Epicly Later'd DVD showcases some of the unsafe aspects of pro skaters' home lives: guns, dirt bikes, and a post-car-accident forty to calm the nerves.

  • Menace

    The final part of the Menace series focuses on Fabian Alomar. Fabian's story is so different than most skaters' lives that it almost seems unreal.

  • Menace

    Eric Pupecki is featured in the second-to-last part of the Menace series. We went up to Eric's house in Rhode Island and had Eric show us all of his Menace boards and medallions from back in the day.

  • Menace

    In part 3 of the Menace series we're featuring the youngest member of the OG Menace team, Javier Nunez. Javier has been getting coverage since he started skating and is pretty much loved by everyone he knows.