fred sasaki

  • Slamming the Spam

    The following correspondence is from a manuscript of emails by Fred Sasaki. Subjects arise from spam and angst, anger and absurdity, frustration and fuck all—Eros and Thanatos from inbox to inbox. Enter to witness nonconsensual collaborative narrative.

  • Dear Costco Wholesaler, Make Me a Christmas Light Suit

    Basically I need you to wrap me up in lights all over my body and make me a symbol of holy matrimony and God and redemption and kindness and giving and big package gifts if you know what I mean.

  • Fred Sasaki's Sticker Proposal for the City of Chicago

    The following correspondence is from a manuscript of emails titled "Letters of Interest," by Fred Sasaki. Subjects arise from spam and angst, anger and absurdity, frustration and fuckall—Eros and Thanatos from inbox to inbox. Enter to witness non...
