  • Syrian Rebels Are Getting Serious Help from a House in Suburban Ontario

    The Syrian Support Group is doing a tremendous amount of work to help organize the Free Syrian Army, mainly through Skype and Paypal. One of the group's founders, Louay Sakka, works out of his home in Oakville, Ontario, and we called him to learn what...

  • Syria

    Last year VICE commissioned photographer and videographer Robert King to document the civil war that has been ravaging Syria for the past two years.

  • Snipers of Aleppo

    Over the last six months the FSA and the battle for Aleppo has transitioned from a full-on frontline assault into a slow-paced but still deadly sniper war.

  • Wijbe Abma begon een liefdadigheidsinstelling in Aleppo

    “Mensen hebben het vertrouwen in grote organisaties verloren, maar niet in de kleine. Dus wil ik het goed doen.”

  • Syria - The Free Syrian Army

    During his time in Syria throughout much of 2012, videographer Robert KIng followed Aleppo's Al-Tawhid Brigade as he dodged bullets and rocket fire to learn more about the largest brigade of the Free Syrian Army. Somehow Robert managed to track down...

  • Our Syria Correspondent Is Doing an AMA Tomorrow

    VICE Syria correspondent and veteran conflict photographer Robert King will be on Reddit tomorrow at 10:30 AM to answer your questions about what he's witnessed in his coverage of Bosnia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Gaza, Mexico, Iraq, and now the year-long...