• Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine

    Simon Ostrovsky travels to the Kherson region of mainland Ukraine to both the Ukrainian and the Russian checkpoints. At the Ukrainian checkpoint, Simon goes inside one of their tanks, and speaks to the commander, who says that despite his Russian blood...

  • Russian Roulette: The Invasion of Ukraine

    The blockade by Russia of Ukrainian military installations in Crimea continues.

  • Venezuela Rising

    VICE News continues its coverage of the protests in Caracas against Nicolas Maduro's government, where opposition leaders organized a massive roadblock in the center of the city.

  • Venezuela Rising

    VICE News continues its coverage from Caracas, where students took to the streets once again to protest President Nicolas Maduro's government and pay tribute to those killed in earlier protests.

  • Venezuela Rising

    Over the past six weeks in Venezuela, a coalition of political groups opposed to the President—Nicolas Maduro—and students angry over dramatic crime rates have taken to the streets in mass demonstrations.

  • Is Vladimir Putin Seriously Going to Invade Crimea?

    Ukraine has been home to a great deal of unrest lately. So when Russia announced on Wednesday that it would be having an impromptu military exercise right next door, many people in Ukraine—and everywhere else—got more than a little worried.

  • Fighting Season in Kandahar

    Springtime starts with a bang in Afghanistan, as it marks the start of the fighting season between the Taliban and Afghan security forces. For the first time in 12 years, the Afghan National Army has to operate without its American allies.

  • Fighting Season in Kandahar

    Springtime starts with a bang in Afghanistan, as it marks the start of the fighting season between the Taliban and Afghan security forces. For the first time in 12 years, the Afghan National Army has to operate without its American allies.

  • Fighting Season in Kandahar

    Springtime starts with a bang in Afghanistan, as it marks the start of the fighting season between the Taliban and Afghan security forces. For the first time in 12 years, the Afghan National Army has to operate without its American allies.

  • Fighting Season in Kandahar

    In part 2, several months have passed. Gelareh returns to Camp Hero to meet up with the 205th Corps at the peak of the fighting season.

  • Venezuelan Protests Have Escalated to a Massive Political Crisis

    What started as a protest early this month following a sexual assault at the University of the Andes, in San Cristóbal, has escalated into massive demonstrations across the country with no clear end in sight.

  • North Korea Is About to Freak Out

    The US and South Korean militaries have begun their annual military exercises, dubbed Key Resolve and Foal Eagle. Among the largest and most important military exercises in the world, they have become a yearly spring ritual. Kind of like prom.