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Afternoon Animation: This Robo-Girl Is A Better Dancer Than Us

Javier Longobardo's music video for Mum's "When Girls Collide" is a piece of CGI dance mania.

Lately, we’ve been getting used to AIs as bodiless super brains a la Samantha from Her or Siri. But harking back to the age of Steven Spielberg's AI and I, Robot, Javier Longobardo’s music video for Icelandic group Mum's "When Girls Collide," stars a robot girl with a very human ability to make moves on the dance floor.

In the four minute clip, we follow robo-tagonist who weaves her way through sparkling prism people, floats on grass, and hangs out with whirling dervishes. Her eyes may be flat metallic, but she makes your average pop star’s saunter look like an amateur act. And when was the last time you saw a music video in which the protagonist deflected flaming skulls?

Longobardo describes the video as a “wheelless road movie,” with the varied scenes generated by the lead's mood. His team used 3D modeling and motion capture dancers to best mimic Shakira-like choreography, and the result is impressive. Part Daft Punk, part Blade Runner, we'd watch an entire narrative with this robo-babe, especially if her moves stay this consistent throughout.