A win. Photos by Jack Stanley.
Anzac Day

Boys, Beers & Betting: Two-Up Is Australia’s Age-Old ANZAC Day Tradition

Every April 25th, crowds of hundreds storm to their nearest pub to pay respects to the fallen ANZACs and indulge in a game of Two-Up.
Adele Luamanuvae
Sydney, AU

For many, ANZAC Day is a cause for celebration.

For some, it’s a public holiday – an opportunity to rest and pamper yourself with a day away from responsibility. For others, it’s a day of remembrance for the soldiers who fought in Gallipoli in 1915. But instead of dawn services, poppy badges, and ANZAC biscuits, many who celebrate take to their nearest pub for copious amounts of booze, laughs with the boys, and a cheeky game of Two-Up.


Traditionally played by soldiers during World War I, Two-Up events are now a known, annual celebration held at clubs and pubs around the country to emanate a “shared experience” with the diggers.

Schooners get poured, crowds get rowdy, and everyone becomes more and more eager for a win.

Photographer Jack Stanley took to the pubs of inner-city Sydney to capture it all.


When the coins go up, the blessings come down


And he's a winner


"The biggest 2up in Surry"


A man with a megaphone is necessary for crowds this big


Lines went down the street to enter The Clock

See more from Jack Stanley on their Instagram.

Adele is the Junior Writer & Producer for VICE AU/NZ. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter.