A Gemini sketchbook
Illustration by Amanda Lanzone

Weekly Horoscope: June 17 - 23

After the rough times we had last week, this week ends on a sweeter note.

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Understand the bigger picture and how your ideas fit into it under the full moon in philosophical Sagittarius on Monday. It is perfectly full at 4:31 AM, bringing a realization about the topic considered during the Gemini new moon earlier this month, on June 3. Bear witness to what is happening in the moment, the things that are tangible. Every cloud has its silver lining, but respect that it is recognized as a cloud!


There is structure available to shape this week’s airy-fairy dreaminess, as well as some tough attitudes to manage. The planet of structure, Saturn, connects with dreamy Neptune on Tuesday at 7:40 AM— progress on the vision is possible with help from a friend. Teamwork makes the dreamwork. Just watch out for moody temperaments as messenger Mercury meets warrior Mars at 12:05 PM.

First messenger Mercury, and then warrior Mars, face off with power planet Pluto on Wednesday, indicating a power struggle. If things seem unfair, there can be passive-aggressive modes of communicating a power imbalance. The best advice for dealing with tough Pluto aspects: Learn to let it go. Stop overexerting yourself in a desperate attempt to control the situation. Find the middle ground between fight and flight. Learn to trust.

After slowing down for the majority of June, the planet of dreams and beliefs, Neptune, begins its regularly scheduled retrograde programming at 10:36 AM on the day of the solstice, Friday. The solstice officially begins when the sun enters Cancer at 11:54 AM, kicking off Cancer season. Both Neptune and Cancer, which is ruled by the moon, are associated with dreams. Friday begins a lucid weekend.

After the rough times we had last week, this week ends on a sweeter note. Sweet Venus faces off with optimistic Jupiter on Sunday at 12:45 PM—this could appear as an escape from the stress of the current astrological weather, but it isn’t for everyone. A shopping spree or weekend holiday are conditionally appropriate. Be sure you’re not over-doing it if you can’t afford it!


All times ET.


Gemini (May 20 - June 21)

This week has tremendous implications for your relationships, Gem. The full moon in Sagittarius helps you see, with perfect emotional clarity, how much of yourself you have been generously giving to your relationships, and how receptive others are to your love. Finding a fair relationship dynamic is key. Although money and financial insecurity are annoying and a source of moodiness, lean into your priceless relationships. As sweet Venus faces off with optimistic, wander-lust planet Jupiter, you are invited to find a compromise between your desires and others' plans for the future. Since last November, Jupiter in Sagittarius has been giving you more interpersonal opportunities than you can chew, and since it is retrograde, this is a time of reckoning.


Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

The full moon in Sagittarius finds you energized and ready to take on service to others. Gemini season is time for you to get charged up, and this Sagittarius full moon gives you the push to take your recharged batteries and do your duty. There can be some clashing of egos this week as you work to meet the demands of others—Mercury and Mars face off with power planet Pluto. You might not feel like going so far to please other people, but if it’s the right person, you can really put in a lot of energy to meet their demands. The sun moves into Cancer on Friday, which is a cause to celebrate! You’ll have a lot more energy to put into working on tough relationship scenarios.


Leo (July 22 - August 23)

It’s hard to balance work and play this week. You have a ton of responsibilities that you need to figure out how to prioritize as Mars and Mercury face off with power planet Pluto. On one hand, you’re working really hard. On the other hand, you want to take your friends out in the sun where you can gossip, laugh, and share drinks. The full moon in Sagittarius inspires you to find your crew, get everyone together, and tell each other lively stories. It’s a balancing act, for sure, and you might have to pull a few strings to get there, but you are more well-connected than you think. Don’t be afraid to ask for help getting things done as Saturn connects with Neptune on Tuesday.


Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

All of Gemini season’s high demands from the public, your career, and your Instagram feed, all make you want to spend some time getting in touch with your most authentic self. For you, Virgo, the Sagittarius full moon is a time for grounding, opening a channel to your roots, to sound spiritual. It’s a time when you can find a good work-life balance, helping you understand your most authentic life path. The feedback you get from yourself now can help you form a powerful personal and professional branding strategy. There can be some trouble with the internet of things—warrior Mars meets your databank planetary ruler, Mercury, putting your social life under fire. It’s hard to be defensive at this time; Mars in Cancer protects, not attacks.


Libra (September 22 - October 23)

The Sagittarius full moon helps put you in touch with the voices in your head, Libra. It’s a time for listening, reading, researching, and getting in touch with your siblings or friends who you relate to as siblings, whether they’re near or far. Monday is a great day to schedule a FaceTime call with estranged familial figures. Talking to your family, or people who you feel very close to, is a good way to deal with high pressure demands at work—Mercury meets Mars, lighting a fire under your ass to answer to your responsibilities. As it faces off with power planet Pluto, you have to find a way to grovel between your comforts and responsibilities. As the sun moves into Cancer, the truth about your responsibilities shines bright.


Scorpio (October 23 - November 22)

You have a clear understanding of what you own and what you want to own. As the full moon in Sagittarius illuminates your house of material resources, think about what brings you satisfaction and why. You’re not a very materialistic sign, Scorpio, but that doesn’t mean money isn’t an object or powerful tool for getting what you want. As the planet of excess, Jupiter, faces off with Venus, you can have some trouble budgeting. Money is no object, but make sure you’re being reasonable. If you have money to spend, it’s a fun time for shopping. You have the power to think critically as your planetary ruler, warrior Mars, and cerebral Mercury meet in Cancer. Use your powerful mind to make good decisions this week.


Sagittarius (November 21 - December 21)

The last few weeks have brought your relationships into focus, giving you a chance to have important conversations with lovers and partners to clear the air. So much of your attention has been wrapped up in the curiosity and intimacy that partnership brings, but Monday’s full moon in Sagittarius redirects the spotlight to you and your wellness. If you’ve felt too distracted by tending to others, now is the time to get back in touch with your needs. Check in with your body. How do your hips, lower back, and legs feel these days? Jupiter (the moon’s ruler) corresponds to these areas of the body and it’s often a place where we store relationship tension—which is something you’re more likely to notice during the height of a full moon. Consider treating yourself to a warm. relaxing bath that helps you simultaneously release pent up emotions and lower body tension. On Friday, the waning moon in Aquarius links up with benevolent Jupiter, encouraging you to acknowledge the power of your words. You’re more of a “yes” kind of person, but saying “no” to what doesn’t truly interest or benefit you can feel quite freeing now!


Capricorn (December 21 - January 19)

You can’t control anyone but yourself, Capricorn. The full moon in Sagittarius shines a light on the things that are outside of your reach, but it’s up to you to accept that even though you're doing all that you can, other people are still going to do whatever they want to do. It's your job to communicate how the actions of others make you feel as action planet Mars and communication planet Mercury meet in Cancer, but it is their job to do what they will with that information. Once you understand that you are trying your best and you’ve given it your all, then you can let go and stop trying to force your agenda onto others, which will be a point of compromise as Mars and Mercury face off with power planet Pluto.


Aquarius (January 19 - February 18)

This week, try to find a healthy balance between your work life and your social life. Your work commitments are pretty intense as Mars and Mercury meet in your house of work and then face off with power planet Pluto across the axis of service to others. There are commands that you must answer to! All of this business makes socializing a very appealing escape from the humdrum hustle and grind. The full moon in Sagittarius wants you to get out there, make connections, and feel like you’re engaged with the world around you as you share your story with the people you meet. Stick to your schedule and you will have time for both work and play, with no tears (OK, minimal tears—it’s Cancer season!).


Pisces (February 18 - March 20)

Take a look at how far you’ve come, Pisces. Gemini season finds you at home, taking time to recharge, but the full moon in Sagittarius gives extra incentive to put yourself out there as you’ve been working toward accomplishing your goals. Use this emotional clarity to see what feels right when it comes to your career, and to celebrate your accomplishments. You might have a little trouble when it comes to getting everyone together in one place as warrior Mars and messenger Mercury meeting can put some stress on scheduling a get-together—and as they face off with Pluto, some power dynamics come into play. It’s not your job to make everyone like each other or work around everyone else’s schedules, so just let it go.


Aries (March 20 - April 19)

Monday’s full moon in Sagittarius puts you in an adventurous mood. If you don’t have time to fly out to Australia this weekend, the next best thing is watching Australian reality TV on Netflix (i.e. Instant Hotel, Cheapest Weddings). This full moon offers clarity on your worldview and education. It’s an introspective week. Your action-focused planetary ruler Mars is in Cancer, where it must consider emotional implications of its actions before impulsively doing its job, making its typical fighting spirit less rowdy. As messenger Mercury meets Mars, you can slow down and think about why you do what you do: Is it inherited from your family or past? Is it part of your physiological constitution? Your understanding of yourself is exaggerated as these planets face off with power planet Pluto.


Taurus (April 19 - May 20)

The full moon in Sagittarius is transformative, helping you realize the things that need to change in your life and your inner world if you want to move on to bigger horizons. Use this time to get a deeper look at your interpersonal relationships and how they affect you on a material level. It’s not sad or weird—your planetary ruler Venus is facing off with optimistic Jupiter, making this time of transition pleasant and helping you see the bright side of things. There can be some overconfidence, especially when it comes to spending. If you have money to burn or time to waste, this weekend is yours. Take time during the week to get a little bit ahead with your chores so you can really cut loose on the weekend.

What's in the stars for you in June? Read your monthly horoscope here.

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