Watch a Sneak Peek from Our Season Three Finale of 'VICE' on HBO


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Watch a Sneak Peek from Our Season Three Finale of 'VICE' on HBO

For our season finale, we take a close look at America's complex relationship with Russia, and how the conflict in Ukraine has pushed that relationship to the brink of a full-blown crisis.

We've finally reached the end of our third season of VICE on HBO. This season, VICE investigated climate change, police militarization, dangerous legal highs, and more. For our season finale, we take a close look at America's complex relationship with Russia. The end of the Cold War in 1991 was supposed to usher in a new era of peace and cooperation between the countries, but it didn't last—tensions have been simmering for years. Now, the conflict in Ukraine has pushed the relationship to the brink of a full-blown crisis.

In the episode, VICE founder Shane Smith meets with Kremlin officials and American leaders to figure out what's really driving the new standoff between the powers, and VICE correspondent Simon Ostrovsky reported from the front lines of the blood war in Eastern Ukraine.

Watch VICE Fridays on HBO at 11 PM, 10 PM central, or stream it via HBO Now.