This story is over 5 years old.


We Asked Luxury Hotels About Their Policy on Golden Showers

In the light of the new allegations involving Trump’s extracurricular activities, we phoned a bunch of luxury hotels to check out their facilities.
Photo by Ani Dimi via Stocksy

Late last night, extremely unverified rumors about President-Elect Donald Trump's extracurricular Russian hotel room activities were made public by BuzzFeed. To use a hot piece of 2017 vernacular, they were extra.

The claims were made by someone claiming to be a former British intelligence officer, in a dossier that has been circulating for months now (Mother Jones first reported its existence in October 2016). Buzzfeed's decision to make public the contents of the dossier without verifying its contents raises profound issues about journalistic ethics, but that's a discussion for weightier minds than mine. You're here for piss talk, and I'm going to give it to you.

The document alleges Russia has been "cultivating, supporting, and assisting" Trump for five years, and that intelligence services have fed him information about his political opponents. It also claims that Russian intelligence gleaned some bedwetting-ly juicy kompromat (otherwise known as "compromising material") after Trump's stay in the bugged presidential suite of the Moscow Ritz Carlton Hotel.

Read the rest of this article on Broadly.