This story is over 5 years old.


Egyptian Hip-Hop - 'Good Dont Sleep'

Like listening to Slowdive through a speaker made of antihistamines.

Good Don't Sleep

R&S Records, 2012

  • Favorites:

    "The White Falls," "SYH"


    NyQuil, Marshmallow Peeps



  • Tobago
  • The White Falls
  • Alalon
  • Yoro Diallo
  • Strange Vale
  • Snake Lane West
  • Pearl Sound
  • SYH
  • One Eyed King
  • Iltoise

While everyone talking about 2012 being the new '92 has focused on the guys noodling slackly over J Mascis' off-cuts, just off-stage, there's been another early-90s thing blooming alongside it. It's the gloopy sound of art school nerds like Django Django and Alt-Jharking back towards the multi-FX + pretension melange of shoegaze. Egyptian Hip-Hop have been tipped alongside those two for so long now, they're practically godfathers of the scene, so it's disappointing that Good Don't Sleep contains the germs of a thousand great ideas, but unlike its amigos, tries that bit too hard to appear detached. Despite its title, this is one of the year's sleepiest releases—shoegazey wooziness that's like listening to Slowdive through a speaker made of antihistamines.