Aquarius collage
Illustration by Amanda Lanzone


This story is over 5 years old.


Monthly Horoscope: Aquarius, March 2019

Welcome to Pisces season!

Pisces season is all about abundance for you, Aquarius! But do you really know what you want? Surprising conversations arrive on March 1 when Venus squares off with Uranus, and you might find that you have an unexpected change of heart.

Also on March 1, Venus enters your sign—lovely! You'll find yourself in a more flirtatious and social mood. This is a great time to introduce yourself to people—just make sure you have your keys, wallet, and phone whenever you leave parties this month since Mercury retrograde in Pisces (which begins March 5) finds you especially forgetful! Mercury retrograde is famous for miscommunications and delays. Mercury rules communication and commerce, so this isn’t a great time to sign contracts or make important purchases. Expect many of the conversations and decisions you've made since Mercury entered its pre-retrograde shadow period on February 19 to be revisited now. This is an especially turbulent retrograde for your finances—so be especially cautious about your budget and don’t place any wild bets at this time. That said, some money you've been waiting for may finally come your way, or an item you've lost may be returned to you. Mercury retrograde isn’t a great time to start new projects, but it’s a fine time to pick up something that was left on the back burner—or to simply rest. On an emotional level, this Mercury retrograde asks you to rethink what you expect in return for your time and energy, and to reflect on your sense of self-worth and security.


March 6 is arguably the most astrologically significant date of the month: Your ruling planet Uranus enters Taurus, there's a new moon in Pisces, and the sun meets Neptune. Uranus’s entry into Taurus will shake things up in your home and family life—think back to May through November of 2018; something that began then will pick up speed now. Because Uranus is your ruling planet, this change is definitely one I want you to watch out for and sit with—some incredible changes will manifest in your life, Aquarius! The new moon in Pisces begins a new cycle around money and self-worth, and the sun’s meeting with Neptune offers a healing balm around any bruised egos, and opens up your intuitive abilities—while you might not be able to find the right words, things are feeling like they’re making more sense, and that's a start! Again, this month, you’re figuring out what you want, and this new moon will bring you closer to understanding what that may be.

The sun connects with Saturn on March 9, urging you to trust your intuition—and to catch up on rest! Mars connects with Neptune on March 10, bringing a wonderfully creative atmosphere, and powerful energy flows as the sun connects with Pluto and squares off with Jupiter on March 13. This is a potent time for dream work, or to work in a group toward a spiritual goal—a coven meeting is in order! This is also a powerful time to network; you may meet some very intriguing people. A productive energy flows as Mars connects with Saturn on March 14, plus, the sun meets Mercury on March 14, which is a critical moment during Mercury’s retrograde—an important perspective is gained.

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Mid-month is busy for Mercury retrograde, and its clash with Jupiter on March 15 as well as its connections with Pluto on March 16 and Mars on March 17 find you thinking back to February 19 through February 23—again, conversations and plans are being reconsidered! The two planets of war, Mars and Pluto, connect on March 20, helping you come up with a battle plan. Mercury connects with Saturn also on March 20, again, bringing you back to February 20 and finding you reconsidering commitments. Finances are a major theme right now, but so is feeling valued and respected for your energy.

The spring equinox arrives when the sun enters fire sign Aries on March 20! A full moon in fellow air sign Libra comes on this day, too: A major climax in an important conversation arrives. Mercury retrograde means that communication isn’t easy—however, an important point of view is gained today, and it’s time to let go of an old way of thinking. Libra is the sign of balance, so during this full moon, consider whether everyone is being heard. A very busy and social energy is in the air as Venus clashes with Mars (flirty!) and mingles with lucky planet Jupiter on March 21. Mercury meets Neptune on March 24, again finding you thinking back to February 19, and asking you to stay open-minded about things—a creative solution to a problem may be found, especially concerning cash. Blessings arrive in your finances as Venus enters Pisces on March 26, and things work out in an unexpected way as Venus connects with Uranus on March 27.

Mercury retrograde finally ends on March 28, so expect conversations and plans to begin moving forward between then and April 16, when Mercury clears its post-retrograde shadow. The month wraps up with action planet Mars entering fellow air sign Gemini on March 31, revving up the romance and creativity sector of your chart—exciting! This is such a fun time to go out and celebrate—you're sure to have an exciting time and connect with people who intellectually stimulate you. This is also a fantastic occasion to focus on your creative projects, as you'll have a lot of energy to produce artwork. Good luck this month, Aquarius, and see you in March!