This story is over 5 years old.


Lee Gamble: Somewhere Between Panorama Bar and Another Dimension

Check out the Brummie soundscape designer's "Nueme," and then maybe get your dancing shoes on.

Lee Gamble's upcoming album KOCH sits in stark contrast to much of the all-reward-all-the-time tunage you'll find while clicking through THUMP. The album pulls you into such a state of hypnosis that the concept of reward doesn't even seem applicable anymore. But the Brummie soundscape designer isn't particularly daunted by it himself. "I don't really feel it's that difficult," he tells THUMP. "In comparison to the earlier stuff that I made, yeah, that was a lot more conceptual. But the record I've just made…There's stuff in there."


Much of it sits between being primed for swirly nights of home listening and more adventurous club nights. Gamble explains, "There are records on there that I DJed out at Panorama Bar at Berghain a few months ago with Ron Morelli. And it worked in the context of the set that we were doing. And then there's other stuff that's more aimed at home listening. I was really aware of that - to make a record that could possibly make sense in both environments. I don't think David Guetta is going to drop any of it, but people like Ron, Ben UFO, Pangaea, I've heard them make it work many times."

A key aspect of the Gamble narrative is his affliction with a condition named AIWS, literally Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. In Gamble's case, it affects his perception of distance in audio. How or whether this affects his creative process is unclear. "It's possible that it heightened my interest in things like spatial awareness," Gamble states. "It's like asking someone if that color blue is the same to you or me. It's certainly not anything I think about when making music. With AIWS, it happens sporadically, but it's given me a strange perspective on a spatial dimension. Without taking any drug, you have kind of a hallucination. If you've had that since you can remember, then you've always had an understanding or something outside of the solid reality in front of you. I wouldn't know the answer to whether I head things differently than anyone. By the sounds of my production, maybe I do."

Well, judge for yourself. The following is the 7-minute "Nueme" off of KOCH.

Find Lee on FB // Twitter // Soundcloud

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Jemayel is Associate Editor of THUMP in Los Angeles - @JemayelK