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Daily Horoscope: February 22, 2017

Daily horoscopes and astrology for Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Capricorn.
Illustration by Nicole Ginelli

Warrior planet Mars, in Aries, clashes with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, at 3:59 AM, creating an explosive atmosphere today. The Moon, which is currently in Capricorn, meets Pluto at 2:34 PM—expect intense feelings and even obsessive thoughts. The Moon clashes with Mars in Aries at 3:13 PM, challenging us to figure out what we really want. The Moon also clashes with Uranus at 8:44 PM, bringing surprises, and with Jupiter at 10:24 PM, making this a major day for change. All times EST.



It's an intense day, Aries, but you're up to the challenge! Your ruling planet, Mars, picks a fight with the lord of the underworld, Pluto, today, which means some serious issues are going to come up for you to work with. It's time to make a change.


You're craving adventure, Taurus! But today is not the day to travel into unknown territory. Keep it simple. The energy today is confrontational and even angry. People are feeling explosive.


The energy today is harsh, Gemini. You're in a very emotional mood, and everyone around you is feeling tense. You're wondering whom you can trust, and whether you need to make some big changes involving the people you associate with.


Your protective crab shell will come in handy today, Cancer: The energy is intense as hell. Things are rough at work and in your relationships. It's time to make some changes and let go of the past.


Stress will arrive during your commute today, Leo, but it's part of a bigger picture. Are you going—literally and metaphorically—where you want to be going? A big shift around how you see the world is taking place, and, because of that, your goals are changing.


The Moon is in fellow Earth sign Capricorn today, sending you flirty vibes and boosting your creativity, but don't be fooled: The energy is intense as hell. Boundaries will be pushed, and you'll learn who you can trust.


People are in a really bitchy mood, Libra, and you won't be able to charm your way out of arguments today. It's time for some changes to be made—and it won't be comfortable for anyone. Expect big drama in your relationships.


You have two ruling planets, Scorpio: Mars and Pluto. Today, they will be squaring off against each other. What does this mean? Drama, anger, and overwhelming feelings. But also a huge opportunity for change and transformation. A big conversation will go down today.


It's time to take action, Sagittarius. You need to put your money where your big, loud mouth is. Today's energy is confrontational and explosive; since you're a Fire sign, you'll feel especially set off by this.


The Moon is in your sign, Capricorn! Take self-care seriously today. Intense changes are happening concerning your home and family. Reflect on your boundaries and your sense of security.


Make time to meditate or be alone today, Aquarius—you need it. Stressful conversations are on the way, and your mind needs to be as clear and calm as possible.


The energy today is really stressful, but you'll need to face it straight on, Pisces. It's time to take action, especially concerning your self-worth and how much value you place on your talents.

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