Alberta Professor Who Thinks Jews ‘Behind 9/11’ Allowed to Return to Teaching


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Alberta Professor Who Thinks Jews ‘Behind 9/11’ Allowed to Return to Teaching

Hall has also argued for an “open debate” on the Holocaust.. for a Holocaust denying group.

On Friday, Professor Anthony Hall took to his conspiracy focused radio show False Flag Weekly News to celebrate his return to the University of Lethbridge's campus.

“Yesterday, November 23, was my first formal day to walk back on campuses, to take up my full professional responsibilities again,” he said—it would take only about ten minutes for Hall and his co-host to begin talking about “Zionist conspiracies.”


On his internet radio show, who he co-hosts on No Lies Radio, Professor Hall said his first day back was “relatively uneventful.” A little over a year ago, Hall was suspended from his duties for his fixation on Zionist conspiracies and his belief that the Holocaust should be open for debate by academics.

On Wednesday, the University of Lethbridge and the school's faculty association said in a joint statement provided to VICE, that they “have agreed that the outstanding issues that have been raised concerning Dr. Anthony Hall will be addressed in the context of the Faculty Handbook.”

“As a result, the suspension imposed on Dr. Hall has been lifted and he has returned back to work at the University,” reads the statement. “The parties will be fully participating in the agreed upon procedures in the Faculty Handbook to investigate and address the outstanding issues.”

The University where Hall teaches about globalization studies has also filed a complaint against their professor in the Alberta Human Rights Commission.

Hall on False Flag News Friday morning. Photo via Screenshot.

In their Friday morning radio show, Hall and his co-host, Kevin Barrett, called the National Post article (which was written by the Canadian Press) regarding Hall “propaganda” and B’nai Brith Canada—a Jewish-Canadian advocacy group who put out a strongly worded press release on Hall’s suspension being lifted—a “genocide propaganda organization.” Michael Mostyn, Chief Executive Officer of B’nai Brith Canada, said he placed direct blame for “placing a discredited conspiracy theorist back in a university classroom” on the provincial government of Alberta.


“We repeatedly warned the Government of the likely outcome of its actions, but they sadly chose to ignore our warnings and expose Alberta university students to anti-Semitism and discrimination instead,” said Mostyn. “Despite this setback, we expect the University of Lethbridge to continue fighting anti semitism on campus, and to do whatever it takes to ensure that Hall has no podium for his unhinged anti semitic nonsense.”

In September of last year, Hall wrote a piece for his website American Herald Tribune, entitled “9/11 and the Zionist Question.” In it, Hall writes that citizen investigation into the attack have proven it wasn’t conducted by Islamic extremists but instead “Israel First neoconservatives.”

“The outcome of the people’s inquiry points compellingly to the conclusion that the real culprits behind the 9/11 attacks were not a group of Islamic jihadists acting alone out of no other motivation than religious zealotry,” reads the piece. “Rather, the dominant group directing the 9/11 false flag event was composed primarily of Israel First neoconservatives who sought to demonize Muslims in order to create the necessary malleable enemy required for their purposes.”

Anthony Hall speaking at the 911 Truth Truck tour in 2015 about how Israeli agents conducted 911. Photo via screenshot.

Hall goes onto to say that even Alex Jones, the world’s most prominent conspiracy theorist, is in on the conspiracy and works to “deflect interpretations of the 9/11 crime away from Israel and away from the inner circle of neocon proponents of the Zio-American empire.” Hall has, time and time again, made media appearances where he makes similar claims—in one he even hints that ISIS is funded partly by Israel.

In July of 2016, Hall made a video for the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust—a Holocaust denying group—in which he outlined his reasons for supporting open debate on the subject. In terms of the Holocaust, it seems that Hall hasn't changed his stance.

“One of the observations living through this situation is who we, the university professors, how did we let the precedent get established that maybe there are areas of history that should not be addressed, that should be closed off, that should be treated as so perfectly handled that they aren’t subject to any sort of revision,” he said on his radio show, Friday.

The show ended with Hall and his co-host speaking about chemtrails—unless something changes, Hall said he will be returning to teaching students next September.

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