
Monthly Horoscope: Pisces, April 2021

Welcome to Aries season, dear Pisces!
Aries and Taurus
Robin Eisenberg

The sun in Aries lights up the financial sector of your chart, finding you focused on money, security, and comfort. Pisces aren’t famous for being materialistic, but with the sun in fearless Aries occupying the sector of your chart that rules wealth, you have a fiery, confident, and straightforward way of dealing with these themes! 

Communication planet Mercury is in your sign at the start of the month, and on April 2 it connects with power planet Pluto in Capricorn, finding you having some revealing conversations. Mercury enters Aries on April 3, likely finding you managing paperwork concerning cash or having conversations about wealth. Mercury is the planet of communication but also of commerce, so this is an exciting time to focus on material matters. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and money, is also in Aries at the start of the month, bringing some sweet gifts your way, and likely finding you in the mood to shop! On April 6, Venus makes a harmonious connection with Mars in Gemini, helping you sort out issues concerning your home, family, comfort, and safety.


Mars clashes with your ruling planet Neptune, which is currently in your sign, on April 9, making for a lazy, hazy, and confusing day! Watch out for paranoia, and perhaps don’t have important conversations on this day—people may be full of crap, regardless of their intention (Neptune is the planet of fantasy, but also delusion!). A much more grounding energy flows around communication as  Mercury connects with Saturn in Aquarius on April 10, helping you put words to hard-to-describe feelings. Venus connects with Jupiter in Aquarius also on this day, creating a sweet, romantic atmosphere. 

The new moon in Aries arrives on April 11, marking a fresh start in issues concerning money. New moons are the beginnings of new journeys, and this one activates the financial sector of your chart. This is a powerful time to think about how you can boost your income and maybe ask for a raise! There’s also an intense energy to this new moon as Venus clashes with Pluto, stirring up drama in your social life. It’s time to leave jealous, manipulative, and catty friends behind!

An upbeat energy flows as the sun connects with Mars on April 13, creating a busy energy at home, and love letters come your way as Venus enters Taurus on April 14. Venus loves to be in sensual earth sign Taurus, so this is a luxurious energy that’s all about pleasure, and it’s a fantastic time to connect with people! The sun connects with lucky Jupiter on April 15, bringing a boost to your already powerful intuitive abilities—but the sun clashes with Pluto on April 16, stirring up friendship drama once again. Big egos clash and control issues abound: It’s a wise time to bring in a third party to help mediate power struggles.


Mercury, Mars, and your ruling planet Jupiter align on April 17, creating a broad-minded, optimistic energy—however, Mercury and Pluto square off on April 17, so some intense conversations may also take place. Secrets could come to light. Difficult but necessary decisions are made. The sun meets Mercury on April 18, finding you making a key realization about your finances and sense of security.

Mercury and the sun enter Taurus on April 19, bringing an uptick in communication, and surprising news—possibly about love or money (or both!)—arrives as Venus and Uranus meet on April 22. Action planet Mars enters fellow water sign Cancer on April 23, creating a wonderfully passionate atmosphere! Mars in Cancer sparkles in the romance and creativity sector of your chart, creating a flirtatious energy. Creative blocks are overcome, and it’s a wonderful time to explore love connections by meeting someone new or connecting with your partner on a deeper level.

Messenger planet Mercury meets Uranus on April 24, bringing some unexpected news or a eureka moment your way—Mercury is the planet of the mind, and Uranus of genius, making this an exciting, inventive connection! Mercury and Venus meet after clashing with Saturn on April 25: Saturn is all about boundaries, so you may be setting some at this time, and while there may be delays or frustrations, the mood is generally playful. Though some obstacles may be confronted, giggles are likely to be shared, too!

The full moon in fellow water sign Scorpio arrives on April 26, bringing a culmination to a conversation that’s been brewing over the last few weeks. An important realization takes place, and now that you have a new way of thinking about the world, you can’t go back! Scorpio is an intense water sign that’s often called the detective of the zodiac, so important information may surface at this time, and it’s a powerful moment for research. Pluto begins its retrograde on April 27, stirring up drama in your social life, so it would be wise to remove yourself from friendships and circles with people you don’t trust. Mercury and Neptune connect on April 29, creating a gentle atmosphere for communication, but more unexpected news or people may pop up as the sun meets Uranus on April 30.

Good luck this month, Pisces, and see you in May!