This story is over 5 years old.


Arnold Schwarzenegger Would Have Run for President This Year If He Could Have

Schwarzenegger, a Republican, has been vocal about his disdain for Trump.

Former California governor and doting father Arnold Schwarzenegger would have challenged Trump for the chance to run for president this year if he were legally able to, Schwarzenegger told Adweek.

"If I'd been born in America, I would've run," the movie star turned politician said to the magazine. "This was a very good time to get in the race."

Schwarzenegger, a Republican, has been vocal about his disdain for Trump. Earlier in October, he released a statement on Twitter saying that he would not be voting for the Republican candidate for the first time since he gained US citizenship in 1983.


It's interesting to imagine how the mashup would played out in the primaries, since Arnold is somewhat of a bizarro Trump, and not just because he's the new face of Celebrity Apprentice. Schwarzenegger, like Trump, certainly understands the power of spectacle and how to leverage celebrity for political gains.

"I realized early on in bodybuilding that you have to be able to sell yourself, your ideas, your position to the public," he continued in the Adweek interview. "You have to set yourself apart, whether it's policy or movies. How do you make them remember you?"

Schwarzenegger is, of course, ineligible for the presidency since he was born in Austria. He has yet to publicly endorse a presidential candidate.

Read: In Praise of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Aging Badass

Photo via Flickr user Neon Tommy