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there’s an indonesian ‘sabrina’ on netflix and it’s even scarier than the original

Hilda and Zelda are SHAKING.
Still from Sabrina.

If you’re A) sick of all the holiday films that have recently taken over Netflix, and B) already salivating in anticipation of The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina’s second series, then we have some great news for you. Scroll all the way past The Princess Switch and A Christmas Prince 1 and 2 and you’ll find an Indonesian remake of Sabrina that some say is even more terrifying than the original, and with much less teenage angst.


A spin-off of director Rocky Soraya’s creepy saga, The Doll and The Doll 2, Sabrina is the latest in a great tradition of creepy-toy-films. Following Child’s Play and Annabel, the plot follows happy couple Maira and Aiden (a doll-maker who owns a toy company), who live with their adopted daughter Vanya. Still grieving from the loss of her birth mother, Vanya plays a creepy game called ‘Charlie’s Pencil’ to summon her dead mum, and -- obviously -- a doll named Sabrina immediately becomes possessed and begins to terrorise Maira. Always the way, isn’t it?

Still from Sabrina

Demons, Ouija boards and the most horrifying toy you have ever seen in your life! What more could you need? Taking inspiration from the internet’s Charlie Charlie challenge -- which briefly terrified teens and produced many hilarious YouTube clips in the process -- Sabrina is a much needed break from festive cheer. “Sabrina will haunt you for days,” promises one review. “If Netflix can put this movie in front of enough people, the horror world could have a new icon.” We’re sure the teenage witch who shares the same name is quaking in her boots.