This story is over 5 years old.


Golfers Fight in Middle of Fairway, Shake Hands After Shot to the Dome

Shit gets real in the rough and tumble world of amateur golf.

This is a wonderful slice of life from the rough and tumble world of amateur golf and further proof that the smartphone is an indispensable tool for good. It seems like one golfer got his feathers ruffled when someone playing behind his group hit onto the green while they were still finishing the hole. Two of them started making a fuss and, luckily for us, another guy playing nearby heard it and whipped out his phone just in time to see it escalate to fisticuffs.

The dude in the pink (salmon?) shirt and white hat stalks up the bunker and immediately shoves the guy in blue (teal?) and then it's 20 solid seconds of awkward pseudo-sweet sciencing. Both guys put up their dukes and start bouncing around like the GOAT and start throwing wild haymakers, but then the dude in pink (salmon??) gets a little too wild and the guy in the blue (teal??) catches him right in mush. Pink (salmon???) dude soon gets wobbly and concedes defeat, offering his hand to blue (teal???) dude, which he accepts. Chances are they became fast friends after this and exchanged Hedge Fund Guys at the 19th hole.

h/t Deadspin