This story is over 5 years old.


Venezuelan Team Stages First Ever Soccer Game Between Unborn Babies for Weird Commercial

Estudiantes de Caracas is really working hard to attract that unborn baby demographic.

There are an infinite number of ways that you can market a sports team, and this is certainly… one of them.

In a bizarre decision, Estudiantes de Caracas, a Venezuelan soccer team, decided to hook up 10 mothers in their 28th week of pregnancy to electrical monitors that detect kicking in the womb, and create a virtual pitch for the unborn children to face each other in an in utero soccer match. The result is spooky at best.

Estudiantes de Caracas apparently created the software to do this, and introduced the video, put up on YouTube yesterday, by saying,

We want to share with you our commitment to the new generations of Venezuelan soccer with our new 2016 commercial! An idea that demonstrates our faith in national football!. Share it!

Later in the video, they say "and every mom began to dream about the potential of their child."

Now, some club teams start their youth systems with under 10's, but this is absurd. What if little Jimmy wants to be a dancer? A doctor? Doesn't matter. Jimmy already knows how to kick. He's going to be a soccer player. Such is life in Venezuela.