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EPA Investigated Employee Who Called Donald Trump a 'Fucking Fascist,' Documents Reveal

Someone called the Environmental Protection Agency's Office of the Inspector General and let loose.

President Trump has done everything within his limits to keep federal employees from talking—to the press, to Congress, and on social media. But despite personally intimidating government workers in some cases, Trump hasn't totally stopped them from airing their grievances.

Records obtained by Motherboard using a Freedom of Information Act request show a side of government unrest we've yet to see in public. It's cathartic. It's refreshing. And it's full of expletives.

Below is a phone call made to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) by someone claiming to be a federal employee. The official complaint was submitted through the OIG's telephone hotline, just four days after Trump's inauguration. An investigation was opened into the complaint, but it has since been closed.

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