This story is over 5 years old.


Figure Out Whose Dad is the Coolest in This Animation

“My Fuckin Dad” answers the age-old question of whose dad rocks and whose dad sucks.
GIFs and images via

Kids say the darnedest things, and most of it is total bullshit. In their new animated short film, illustrator June Tate and director Zach Johnston perfectly sum up the ridiculous tall tales that kids tell each other. In My Fuckin Dad, three grade-school aged boys standing side-by-side in the snow South Park-style verbally duke it out to see who’s got the coolest dad. One dad’s farts are literally lethal, another drives a truck with a hundred wheels. The animation is sweet, simple, and hugely expressive; in thirty seconds it’ll have you remembering exactly what it’s like to be 10 years old.


To learn more about June Tate's work, click here.


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