This story is over 5 years old.


Scorpio, August 2016

August is awesome for networking, Scorpio.

You are the sign of sex, Scorpio, but cash and notoriety are your other loves. Early August will be big for your fame and fortune! The new moon on August 2 in regal Fire sign Leo activates the sector of your chart that rules success, creating a fresh start for you on your career goals and reputation.

Also on August 2, warrior Mars enters abundant, adventurous Sagittarius, igniting the sector of your chart that rules earned income as well as self-esteem. You're so ready to make lots of money! Saturn, the planet of structure, is also in Sagittarius, and will end its retrograde on August 13. When that happens, it's full steam ahead with cash and confidence. Another money-themed date to note is August 24, when Mars and Saturn meet in the sky. This is an intense combination, but if you can stay focused and keep strong boundaries, you'll do fine!


Your social life gets a boost when lovely Venus enters Virgo on August 5. This will be fantastic for networking (you'll be in the mood thanks to the new moon in Leo making you extra popular), but it's also good for just chilling with friends.

August 10 will also focus on networking, socializing, and communication, because Mercury, in logical Virgo, trines (one of the easiest astrological aspects) power planet Pluto in Capricorn. Much-needed information comes your way today! Pluto is all about transformation, and with a positive connection to communicator Mercury, this means healing will come, either through a change in your thinking or a profound conversation.

Another power Pluto day arrives on August 17, when sweet Venus trines Pluto, which, again, will be excellent for you on the communication and social fronts. Pluto is all about death and rebirth. This sort of freaks Venus—the planet of love, beauty, and harmony—out, but when these two planets mix in a positive way, amazing things can happen.

One of the most intense days this month is August 18 thanks to the lunar eclipse in Air sign Aquarius. An eclipse's job is to shake things up and reveal things to us we've never seen before. Because the eclipse will illuminate the sector of your chart that rules home, family, your childhood, your roots, you can expect that some sensitive, private issues will come up for examination. Don't run from these issues, Scorpio—facing them head on will bring amazing changes to your life.


If you're having issues with a roommate or a family member, this eclipse will make them pretty much impossible to ignore. If you're hoping to move, the energy could be frustrating and unstable; however, some chance opportunities—that you would have never expected!—could reveal themselves.

You're sensitive about your home life, Scorpio, but don't worry: More chances to connect with others, and socialize, come later this month. You won't be stuck at home, dealing with family drama all month. The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, shining a spotlight on the part of your chart that rules friendship, community, and your hopes and dreams.

In addition to that, Jupiter, the planet of luck and abundance, meets with chatty Mercury on August 22 and lovely Venus on August 27. Make note of who you meet around these days, as well as the visions you have of your future—you'll be inspired at this time. Make wishes on these days; they'll probably come true. Mercury meets Venus on August 29, again creating a wonderful energy for you to connect with others.

Confusion arrives on August 26, when warrior Mars clashes with hazy Neptune in dream Pisces. Watch out for misunderstandings about money, or worse, for backhanded compliments or being underappreciated. Don't plan romantic dates today, band practices or performances, or business meetings.

Venus enters Libra on August 29, which will inspire you to be even more private and mysterious when it comes to love and money. This could be a quieter time for you when it comes to dating, because you might want to spend more time alone; however, if you're in the mood for romance, you can use this energy in some mystical ways: Pay close attention to your dreams (they could have some interesting messages about love), practice ESP with a lover, or incorporate some fantasy role-play.

You know how this month was super awesome for socializing and connecting with others? This Mercury retrograde in Virgo, which starts on August 30, will ask you to review and revisit all the people (and ideas) you encountered, especially since August 10. We all know Mercury retrogrades are annoying: Don't sign contracts or plan major purchases (especially electronics or travel), expect delays and miscommunication; however, Mercury retrograde does have an important function: to help you reflect.

Mercury retrograde is a time to pause. Was there someone you met who deserves more of your attention? Was there someone you met who maybe you should keep at arm's length? What about those dreams for the future you imagined: Did you toss some to the side, believing they were impossible? Use this Mercury retrograde to rethink all that. And try not to run into all of your exes, or sext your boss by accident. See you in September!