This story is over 5 years old.


Opposing Brazilian Players Pull Off the Infamous Synchronized Double Flop

It is subtle. It is powerful. It is the floppingest shit you've ever seen.

Rossi (Goiás) e Marcelo Cordeiro (Vila Nova) protagonizaram esse lance há pouco. Sem comentários…
— Goleada Info (@goleada_info) October 15, 2016

Soccer gets a bad rap. I can't tell you how many times I've had to argue that the petty moral code in baseball (read: bat flip arguments, ad nauseam) is just as preposterous and weak as soccer players weaving a little theater into their game to draw a foul. That said, this synchronized double flop from two Campeonato Brasileiro Série B league players yesterday is… indefensible. Yet also a beautiful work of Art.

Note the perfect symmetry as Goiás forward Rosicley Pereira da Silva (aka Rossi) steps to Vila Nova player Marcelo Cordeiro. Their jerseys yinging to the other's yang. The subtle 80 degree angle they both take. And then the moment of contact. Both flail upward zelously, as if decrying a false god, hanging in his bunk heavens. Then they both reach their hands to their heads, to mark the point of (very, very minimal) contact. Yet to set their motion offbalance, they break the symmetry as Rossi flails with both hands, mirroring the motion of Cordeiro's hand.

It is subtle. It is powerful. This is the Sistine Chapel of flops.