Pisces collage
Illustration by Amanda Lanzone

Monthly Horoscope: Pisces, September 2019

Welcome to Virgo season, dear fish!

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September is a long, busy month, and your ruling planet Neptune makes quite a scene! Will it be a whimsical whirlwind, or will you be left paranoid and deflated by disappointment? You’re at a turning point this month, discovering what’s gold and what’s total crap in your life, especially when it comes to relationships, as Neptune opposes a slew of planets in flawless and perfectionistic Virgo.


Communication planet Mercury in its home sign of Virgo makes a harmonious connection with Uranus in Taurus on September 1, inspiring unexpected conversations and breakthroughs in connecting with others. Surprising information arrives! A supportive energy flows as Venus in Virgo connects with Saturn, the planet of structure, in Capricorn also on this day. People are reliable and you’re feeling taken care of as you explore unexpected options and take some risks.

September 2 brings more excitement as the sun meets action planet Mars in Virgo, inspiring your partners to be brave and take a stand! They may be more confrontational than usual, which can be great if they’re usually shy about asking for what they want—just don’t pick any fights. Also on September 2, Venus clashes with Jupiter in Sagittarius, bringing a burst of fun and generosity. This is a great time to partner with people and also stand in the spotlight. You make a lucky move that helps you connect with someone you’ve been wanting to reach out to. Just be careful about over-indulging!

Mercury, Mars, and the sun meet on September 3, boosting communication in your relationships—however, the next day brings confusion, especially in your partnerships, as Venus opposes Neptune. This combination may not totally be bad, though; it may bring the dose of fantasy you’ve been craving or you could have the time of your life getting lost with a lover! But the vibe is weepy, and our vulnerabilities are especially sensitive at this time. Tread lightly. This isn’t a time to make important decisions or commitments. Take it slow, avoid any situations that could stir up paranoia, watch out for whiney attitudes, and be especially attuned to any martyr behavior or guilt trips—this is good advice all month, since Neptune will oppose quite a few planets in Virgo.


A more grounding energy arrives as detail-minded Mercury connects with taskmaster Saturn in Capricorn on September 5, helping you and your partners hammer out responsibilities and commitments. Plenty of news is shared and the mood is busy at work as Mercury clashes with Jupiter on September 6. Also on this day, the sun connects with Saturn and Venus connects with Pluto, encouraging a supportive energy as you explore your relationships on a deeper, more intimate level. However, confusion and miscommunication abound as Mercury opposes Neptune on September 7—avoid making agreements on this day, and don’t let your imagination run away from you. Watch out for lies or lazy calculations.

A busy mood descends on September 8 as the sun clashes with Jupiter and Mercury connects with Pluto, bringing excitement to your career and finding you connecting with VIPs! This is a fantastic time to network; people are excited to partner with you, and you’re receiving a thrilling amount of recognition. Mars connects with Saturn on September 9, encouraging you and your partners to strategize and turn your dreams and fantasies into reality…but confusion arrives the next day as the sun opposes Neptune. You might find that your dreams for the future are quite different than your partner’s, or that there has been a disconnect, delay, or disappointment. This is a sensitive period, so be gentle with yourself and others. This month brings a lot of stop-and-go energy that can be incredibly annoying—especially in your partnerships—but you have to get through it to figure out what’s really working and what just seems to work because you’re romanticizing a situation. This month, you’re learning that what’s important to you might not be so important to your partners—romantic and otherwise—but that isn’t a reflection of your worth or importance. It’s just a difference in goals, needs, and desires.


  • If networking is something that gives you anxiety, dear Pisces, read this advice from a former tech executive on how to make connections as an introvert.
  • This energy essential oil blend can help pick you up during this month’s stop-and-go moments.
  • It can be helpful working with a life coach to prioritize your goals and desires. If you don’t want to go alone, find a goal-setting workshop near you and bring your friends!

Warrior Mars clashes with expansive Jupiter on September 12, so be careful not to pick any fights since they’ll get blown out of proportion. Instead, use this energy to get a lot of work done. Mercury meets Venus and the sun connects with Pluto on September 13 and the full moon in your sign, Pisces, lands on September 14. Much of this month has been focused on your relationships, and this full moon brings the spotlight back to you! How do you feel, Pisces? This is a powerful time to release emotions and not the best time to take action, since Mars makes a lazy, sleazy opposition to illusory Neptune—watch out for passive aggressive behavior or sneaky people. A shift in energy arrives as chatty Mercury and charming Venus enter Libra, a sign associated with balance: What ideas, conversations, relationships, or desires do you need to release in order to regain your sense of equilibrium? You’ve come into this full moon carrying a lot of baggage, but Mercury and Venus in Libra won’t let you leave it mired down by B.S. It’s time to take a logical look at things, and let go.


Saturn ends its retrograde on September 18, and you see some big changes taking place in your social life. The structures within the groups, associations, and clubs you belong to are being rearranged, and it’s time to move forward with new projects. Action planet Mars and power planet Pluto connect on September 19, inspiring an incisive energy for communication, connecting with others, and getting things done—this is surprising and refreshing considering the hazy, foggy atmosphere Neptune brought to the rest of the month!

Neptune faces off with Jupiter on September 21—this is the third time this has happened this year, the first two occurring on January 13 and June 16. Think back to those dates and consider the themes you were facing. Neptune and Jupiter are your two ruling planets, and their clash finds you at odds with yourself, wondering where you belong in the world and in your career, and considering whether you’ve been dreaming too big, or worse, selling yourself short. Now, you’re learning whether your beliefs about the world and success are rooted in reality or fantasy. You may very well experience an embarrassing moment if you’ve been living with delusion or paranoia, so check in with the people you trust and get back down to earth. A reality check arrives as detail-minded Mercury clashes with taskmaster Saturn, the planet of rules and responsibilities, on September 22—this will certainly help you figure out what’s what! Don’t ask for favors on this day and expect a grumpy atmosphere, but use the energy to get organized.

  • Use this mindful breathing necklace to help with grounding at the beginning of your meditation practice or anytime you feel the need to slow your breath.
  • Some reading material from a success coach if you find that you’re frequently selling yourself short.

A shift in energy occurs as Libra season begins on September 23, finding you confronting complicated financial matters, like debts, taxes, and inheritances. A lucky conversation arrives on September 24 as Mercury connects with Jupiter, but watch out for Venus’s clash with curmudgeonly Saturn on September 25—this isn’t a good time to plan a romantic date! However, you will learn a lot about your limits and boundaries, and rid yourself of something from the past to free yourself up to explore your future! Secrets are revealed as Mercury clashes with Pluto on September 26, and you get a deeper sense of how you want to get closer to your social circle—and who you want to stay away from!

The new moon in Libra lands on September 28, helping you wipe the slate clean. This is an especially lovely time to pay off a debt, or plan a ritual about release and renewal. Sweet, sexy Venus connects with jovial Jupiter during this new moon, creating a flirty, social energy, and bringing luck your way. Good luck this month, Pisces, and see you in October!

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