This story is over 5 years old.


Toro Y Moi - "So Many Details"

Damn, Chaz Bundick. Where'd you find this?

Over the summer, I lived with a dude who looked exactly like Chaz Bundick, aka the musical force behind Toro Y Moi. Like, he looked so much like him that he ended up going as him for Halloween one year. I'm pretty sure his picture ended up on Hipster Runoff. Anyways, his new single is called "So Many Details," and after a few listens, it might honestly be the best thing he's ever done. It's a slow burn, fusing spacey Quiet Storm with the electronics of his first album, Causers Of This. Think Ennio Morricone, crossed with Drake's "Marvin's Room," at a syrup-sippingly slow pace.

