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Aquarius, August 2016

August is a majorly transformative month for you, Aquarius.

You're very complicated, Aquarius. You have two ruling planets, Saturn and Uranus, and these energies couldn't be more different: Saturn is all about rules and boundaries, while Uranus is all about rebellion and change. Maybe this is why you're so weird? In any case, August opens with both of your planets connecting beautifully: Saturn with the Sun, and Uranus with lovely Venus, on August 1.

Both the Sun and Venus are in Leo, activating the relationship sector of your chart: Fun! Saturn is all about structure and boundaries, so its connection with the Sun will be supportive. If you're hoping to build a solid connection with someone, this will definitely help. Venus, the planet of love, harmony, money, and beauty—connecting with electric Uranus—will be exciting! Unusual yet intriguing conversations will come your way. Supported yet exciting: not a bad way to start the month!


That's not all for relationships, Aquarius. The new moon in Leo will light up the partnership sector of your chart too, bringing the opportunity for a fresh start between you and the people you care about. You'll definitely be feeling energized to socialize and connect with others during this new moon. That's because warrior Mars will be entering fun Fire sign Sagittarius, igniting the part of your chart that rules community and friendship. Watch what happens for you in relationships of all kinds early this month.

Things get more intense on August 5 when Venus enters analytical Virgo, which will activate a private, sensitive sector of your chart. Lots of issues around intimacy and sex will pop up this month thanks to Venus in Virgo. Also watch out for issues concerning money—especially cash or resources you share with other people. Venus is all about peace and harmony, so if you're open to compromise around these delicate issues, things likely will work out beneficially for everyone involved!

Saturn will see plenty of action this month: Chatty Mercury in Virgo will clash with this serious planet on August 6, creating walls around communication. (Plus Venus will challenge Mars on this day, which will definitely mean drama for you in your social life and with your partners.) Venus clashes with Saturn on August 13, which will bring some disappointments. Don't ask for favors or dates today; people are not open to much, and are not in a flexible mood.


Also on August 13, Saturn will end its retrograde in Sagittarius, which will help push things forward in your social life, but again: Today isn't the day to bet on getting your way. One of the most intense days for Saturn this month will be August 24, when it meets with Mars, the warrior planet. If someone needs to get cut off, this could definitely be when you do it!

One of the more exciting and fun days of the month for you, Aquarius, is August 16, when the Sun in Leo connects with wild Uranus in Aries, which will bring breakthroughs, news, and inspiring conversations. If you've been bored in your relationships, things will definitely get interesting now!

Monotony is really not something I'm worried about for you this month: On August 18, there will be a lunar eclipse in your sign! Eclipses are turbulent energies. They whisk things out of our lives but leave us with a deeper understanding and new opportunities. Because this eclipse is in your sign, Aquarius, I expect you will learn a thing or two about yourself that you hadn't been able to see before. This eclipse will certainly bring revelations about relationships, and could lead to a major shift on that front.

The Sun enters Virgo on August 22, shining its spotlight on one of the freakier sectors of your chart. Sex, debt, and endings are all themes in your life that will be activated. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, has been hanging out in Virgo for the last year, making these sensitive issues an even bigger focus than usual.


Figuring out how to work a fair give-and-take between you and your partners has been a big issue for you; so has working out complicated financial issues and coming to terms with deep transformations that have taken place in your life. You might be one of the more innovative signs in the zodiac, but you're not crazy about change, Aquarius. A chance to discuss all these issues will come your way on August 22, when chatty Mercury meets Jupiter, and Venus will bestow blessings when it meets with Jupiter on August 27.

Venus enters fellow Air sign Libra on August 29, sending you loads of good vibes. Long-distance lovers could come into view, and this is a fantastic time for a trip. If you're heading back to school, you can bet everyone will find you charismatic and lovely to be around, thanks to Venus's seductive energy.

Mercury retrograde: the most annoying topic in astrology. It begins on August 30 and will surely flood your news feed with warnings about miscommunications and delays—advice like "don't buy electronics or plane tickets" and "definitely don't sign contracts." All of this is basically true, but Mercury retrograde serves a higher function than just fucking up your life. It's a time to rewind. Review the choices you have made—especially since August 10.

This Mercury retrograde is in Virgo, a logical, practical sign. You might not be practical, Aquarius, but you are logical, and the chance to pause and reflect—to make sure the decisions you've made are really smart for you—can't be that bad. This Mercury retrograde will rework lots of the sensitive stuff in your life: your sex life and your emotional (and financial) debts.

Perhaps use this Mercury retrograde to repay someone for something you borrowed a long time ago. Or to reconnect with a lover you need closure with. Mercury retrograde often brings back people from our past, and lovers from long ago could definitely be coming around, Aquarius.

See you in September, you wonderful water bearer!