This story is over 5 years old.


Chicago Cop Caught on Camera Throwing Hot Coffee at Motorcyclist

Evidently, hurling a cup of coffee at a motorcyclist for doing wheelies isn't an appropriate response from a police officer.

Now that digital video is pretty much globally ubiquitous—and it's as easy to film something as whipping out your iPhone or aiming your GoPro and loading it to your Facebook page—we're learning a lot about police behavior that might have otherwise gone unreported. And not all of that behavior is pretty. A video that is circulating widely appears to show a Chicago police officer hurling a to-go cup of hot coffee at a passing motorcyclist. Unfortunately for the cop, the motorcyclist was wearing a camera on his helmet and the video is now being examined by the Chicago Police Department. Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson says he first learned on Monday of the 40-second video, which was posted by a group called Chicago United Riders on their Facebook page. The video has more than 98,000 views as of today. It depicts a group of motorcyclists proceeding down Hubbard Street in Chicago. One pops a wheelie (an illegal act, according to CBS local news, under the law in that jurisdiction) and the rider who is videotaping the journey says something unclear—some suggest it was "Ah man, we'll keep it down"—to a police officer, who appears to be waiting to cross the street. Read more on MUNCHIES
