This story is over 5 years old.


We Check Out New York's Vibrant Kiki Ballroom Scene on 'MY HOUSE'

Follow the hottest voguers in NYC Wednesday on VICELAND.

On Wednesday, step inside New York City's legendary vogue scene with a new episode of VICELAND's MY HOUSE. The new series follows iconic ballroom commentator Precious Ebony and voguers Tati 007, Alex Mugler, Jelani Mizrahi, Lolita Balenciaga, and Relish Milan as they train, dress, and dance alongside stars from the scene's most competitive houses.

On this episode, we check out a kiki ball, an offshoot of the mainstream ballroom scene where young dancers have a chance to hone their skills and build their profiles. Tati, a kiki crowd favorite, dances in a brand-new category, serving up a healthy helping of attitude to the panel of judges.

MY HOUSE airs Wednesdays at 10:30 PM on VICELAND. Find out how to tune in here.

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