This story is over 5 years old.


'I Don't Want to Live in a Country That Discriminates'

This is why I oppose Trump's immigration restrictions.
Photo by Brandon John

This interview is part of Broadly's Voices Against the Ban series. You can read more of these voices here.

Broadly: Why are you here today?

*Ella, 19, Brooklyn:* I'm marching today because my mom is an immigrant and we are here fighting for human rights. We need equality and justice for everyone. We cannot stand for 21st Century fascist regimes.

Do you feel personally affected by any of his orders?

Ella: Yeah, because I'm a woman, my dad is black, and my mom's an immigrant. If that doesn't scream "minority" I don't know what does. This is all important to me, and it should be for everyone.

Angel, 19, Brooklyn: I'm fighting because I don't want to live in a country that discriminates against anyone. I'm African American. My family is African American. I'm standing up for women's rights, LGBTQ rights, every single person's rights because love trumps hate. Love wins at the end of the day and that's what we really need in our country right now.

This interview has been edited and condensed.