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Broadly DK

In Photos: Protestors Rally in Bitter Cold to Reject Trump’s Immigration Ban

"No hate, no fear, refugees are welcome here."

New Yorkers flooded Manhattan's Tompkins Square Park on Monday night to protest Trump's recent executive orders restricting immigration for people from seven Muslim countries. A large group of community members, led by local Councilwoman Rosie Mendez, spoke at the event, including imams, rabbis, members of the LGBTQ community, high school students, and leaders of minority groups who feel directly targeted by the Trump administration. During the majority of the the Lower East Side Rally Against Hate, shivering protestors listened quietly as each leader took the mic to describe the simultaneous feelings of fear and solidarity experienced by their respective communities. Imam Abu Sufian of a local East Village mosque, who is also an immigrant, recalled taking his oath of allegiance when he became a United States citizen and pledging to uphold the Constitution in a way that he feels Trump has thus far failed to do. Melissa Aase, Executive Director of University Settlement, described her fears around Betsy DeVos, Trump's pick for secretary of education, and the future of education in America. Sixteen other community members shared anecdotes, each reiterating the need to continue this level of resistance in order to hold the government accountable for future actions and executive orders to come. Between speakers, protestors shouted what are quickly becoming familiar chants for many: "No hate, no fear, refugees are welcome here," and "Love, not hate, makes America great." Read more on Broadly
