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Weed Strains Are Mostly Bullshit

"Purple Kush does not mean anything."

Weed dispensaries have popped up in many major cities like goose shit in the springtime, and an oddly stressful ritual has entered many of our lives: choosing a strain of the devil's lettuce to roll into a jazz cigarette. The conversation typically goes something like this:  Dispensary lady: My guy, today we've got some Jack Herer, which is sativa-dominant and has a cerebral and talkative high, or Banana Clip, which is close to a 50/50 hybrid and will give you the body buzz of an indica with some of the effects of a sativa. We've also got God's Green Crack and Mango Dream. Me, internally: Hm, seems fake. Me, externally: Banana Clip, please.


After sampling the bud (this actually happened), the hybrid Banana Clip felt suspiciously similar to a strain I'd previously tried, which was supposedly an "almost pure" strain of another variety. I also couldn't find any trace of a strain called Banana Clip on the web, and I suspect I was smoking AK Banana. Just what the hell was going on inside this disorienting kaleidoscope of primo greens, I wondered? Is any of this even, well, real?

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