Taurus, July 2016


This story is over 5 years old.


Taurus, July 2016

Your ruling planet Venus is busy this July!

This month opens with your ruling planet Venus in Cancer connecting with lucky Jupiter in Virgo on July 1—already we're off to a good start! The vibe is gentle and understanding. This combination also bodes well for parties, dating, and creativity, so it's unlikely you'll be bored or lonely at the start of the month, Taurus!

The new moon in Cancer on July 4 will activate the part of your chart that rules the mind and communication. Expect news to come your way! New moons symbolize new beginnings, so if you want to have a conversation about a fresh start, or if you're hoping to get more information about an issue, now is the time. A new contract could also be coming your way. This portion of the sky also influences your relationship to your neighborhood as well as your siblings. A new appreciation for your surroundings and your siblings could arrive.


Venus in Cancer connects with Mars in Scorpio on July 6. Mars was retrograde between April 17 and June 29—it was a total and complete drag, especially for your relationships. Thankfully, it's direct now, and the good vibes sexy Venus and passionate Mars exchange on this day will bring good vibes to your partnerships, both romantic and non-romantic.

The full moon in fellow Earth sign Capricorn arrives on July 19, which will illuminate themes of travel, learning, and exploration. So much of your life this July is about your local neighborhood, thanks to the Sun in Cancer lighting up the sector of your chart that rules your stomping grounds (your bars, your cafes, your fuck buddy down the street), but it's time to broaden your horizons: This full moon wants you to travel to faraway places, see new things, and meet new people. If this isn't within your budget, at least go to a nearby town, or part of your city, that you don't usually hang out in to honor this full moon.

This full moon wants you to travel to faraway places, see new things, and meet new people.

This full moon also wants you to zoom out a bit—don't worry about the details. Focus on the big picture. Don't question whether that specific person is the right person for you—question who, in general, could be right for you. What is it you're really looking for in someone?

Looking for a new job? Of course your paycheck and workload are extremely important questions that shouldn't be ignored, but use this full moon's vibe to help you reflect on what your real goals are; what's your vision for your future? Will a new job help you get where you want to go? Maybe it won't—and that's fine. This full moon wants you to be clear about your vision for the future and philosophical about your path.


A slew of planets enters Leo this month: Venus on July 12, Mercury on July 13, and the Sun on July 22. Leo is the sign of royalty, performance, and celebration. It's a warm Fire sign, and it occupies the sector of your chart that rules home and family. Do you feel cozy at home, Taurus? This is an important question to ponder while these planets transit Leo.

Communicating with your family or roommates is a wonderful way to work Mercury's energy, and beautifying your space is all Venus. The Sun, the center of our solar system, asks that you focus on creating a home for yourself that's safe, private, and a solid place for you to recharge and unwind. Leo might be a sign that loves fame—but the more fame you have, the more important your private spaces become.

If you need to move or work out a domestic issue, July is a great time to do it, especially on July 16, when logical Mercury meets harmony-loving Venus in Leo. People are willing to talk things out in a kind, cooperative manner, so whether you're negotiating a lease or making up with your mom, this is a great time to go for it.

Flirty messages are also likely to come your way, as well as conversations about your creative projects.

Venus in Leo connects with serious Saturn in Sagittarius on July 20. Saturn sucks: It rules obstacles, fears, and restrictions, but occasionally it comes through for us, Taurus, providing us with support, boundaries, and structure. This is one of those times—thanks to your ruling planet, sweet Venus, flirting with Saturn! This is an especially good time for work and wellness as well as your home and feeling secure and grounded.

Uranus begins its retrograde in Aries on July 29, retracing the steps it's taken through the sector of your chart that rules rest, solitude, and dreams. Uranus is an electric, innovative planet, so expect to deal with some erratic sleeping habits. Anticipate an uptick in wild dreams and sudden bursts of intuitive insight as Uranus slows down to reverse its motion. Feelings you've stuffed away could always bubble up to the surface—don't ignore these emotions; do some journaling or speak to a counselor.

Logical Mercury enters fellow practical Earth sign Virgo on July 30, activating the part of your chart that rules creativity, fun, and romance! Mercury is all about communication, so expect to be talking and learning more about what makes you happy.

Flirty messages are also likely to come your way, as well as conversations about your creative projects. Virgo is a simple, straightforward sign, so chatty Mercury is able to express itself clearly while it's in occupying mode. If someone feels good when they hang out with you, or if someone is wild about your art, you'll hear about it, Taurus! Enjoy July, and see you in August!