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The Slay of the day

Twitter Users Blast Former Trump Supporters Who Now Regret Their Votes

Some MAGA trolls are now eating their words -- and their tweets.
Images via Twitter and US Coast Guard

This is VICE Impact's weekly series, "Slay of The Day," which takes a look at unique social media posts that left us shook and enlightened how we think about advocacy in the digital age.

Last week we looked at Twitter users who are convinced that the children's story Goldilocks and the three bears is actually an allegory for gentrification and white privilege. This week we journey back into the Twittersphere where reformed MAGA acolytes are recanting their devotion to President Trump after his lackluster condemnation of white-supremacist hate groups and neo-nazis.


After the overt racism that was on display in Charlottesville, which led to the death of Heather Heyer and serious injuries for 19 others, the number of Trumpgrets may be on the rise (on Twitter, anyway).

In the post below, Twitter user @DrHug sums up how non-Trump supporters feel now that his base is realizing the gravity of their actions.

Other Twitter users had something to say as well:

In less than 24 hours, @DrHug's status accumulated more than 2000 retweets and 657 likes. Also, the hashtag #IVotedForTrump was one of the platforms trending topics earlier this week. The activity on social media may be a sign that anti-Trump sentiments aren't just partisan divisions or happening in a vacuum.

There you have it, and please be sure to join us next week for the best of the online nitty gritty. And let us know YOUR favorite online slays @viceimpact or email .