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dear annabel

How to Deal with All the Scorpio Energy This Month Without Going Insane

It's Scorpio season, and Jupiter just entered Scorpio. How will we handle all the intensity and secrecy?
Photo by Rob Sylvan via Stocksy

Jupiter and Saturn's influence in our daily lives contribute to our sense of security as well as our ability to grow, but if we're not living authentically or respecting our own boundaries, things can get complicated. Jupiter just entered psychic and sexy Scorpio on October 10, and Saturn enters industrious Capricorn on December 19, which means it's going to be hugely important to delve deeper into our issues and be firm about our limits. It's going to be intense, but thankfully, Broadly's staff astrologer Annabel Gat is here to offer some guidance during these shifts.


Dear Annabel,
My partner of three-and-a-half years abruptly left me recently, and I am feeling all kinds of upheaval. With my Pisces sun, Cancer moon, and Scorpio rising, I am wondering if there is any way I will ever emotionally recover. It just sometimes feels like I am too sensitive for this world. My Saturn return is also coming, so I fear that I'm just destined to spend the next several years in emotional turmoil and sadness, completely alone.

Is there any upside to being a triple water sign who just loves to love and hates to lose?

— Crying My Own Ocean

Dear Crying My Own Ocean,
I'm certain you're going to recover! The very nature of emotions—which are symbolized by the Water element—is to ebb and flow, wax and wane, swell and shrink, come and go. You're not going to feel this way forever. Feelings are not fixed things; they morph in different lights and with different moods, and they're eroded, strengthened, and worn again by the passage of time. Water shifts from gas to liquid, constantly transforming, responding and adapting to its environment, much like emotions do.

Saturn is the planet of melancholy; however, your Saturn return (which is when Saturn returns to the degree of the zodiac it was in when you were born) could bring the change you need by helping you get clearer on what your boundaries are. This is because Saturn rules limits and responsibility; at our Saturn return, issues we have around limits become unavoidable, forcing us to overcome our fears and get real about our needs. Water signs are known to be wishy-washy about where to draw the line in their relationships, which can result in unhealthy dynamics and codependence. Having clarity and confidence about your boundaries will strengthen you and help you be more resilient around emotionally bruising situations. Saturn is also the planet of hard work and maturity, so while an existential crisis is typical of the Saturn return, so is receiving hard-won awards and success!


Saturn enters Capricorn on December 19, 2017, which will help all of us get focused on our goals, especially around worldly success. Emotionally, this transit will find us reflecting deeply on what we want to be remembered for after we leave this life. You have big dreams to manifest—remember this in order to keep things in perspective! Love isn't the only thing you have to focus on—and, dear Pisces, there are many, many fish in the sea for you to swim with!

— Annabel

Dear Annabel,
I turned 29 on August 24 of this year, meaning I'm currently in the middle of my Saturn return. My life has been a complete train wreck since about January 2017.

I left a 10-year relationship, then got in a very brief relationship with someone that I thought I was madly in love with (I've never felt that way before). He ended up leaving me for a woman 10 years his senior. While we were together, I later found out, he had been using major drugs, and he conned me into co-signing on a motorcycle (that he still has and I pay for so I don't ruin my credit).

I then met a great guy (Scorpio) that I have so much fun with. We laugh all the time and do so many things together. We've recently just made it official. But it's been hard. There always seems to be some roadblock, intense arguments, and communication problems. I really like him and know we could be good for each other if things could settle down.

I just want to be happy. Can you give me any advice on this Saturn return thing?


— Pessimistic Virgo

Dear Pessimistic Virgo,
Saturn is not a dreamer—it's the planet of reality, responsibility, and maturity. Saturn wants to take practical action, not indulge in fantasy. In your current romantic situation, you say you could be good for each other if things settle down. "Could" and "if" are not words Saturn likes! Unless you fix your communication problems with your Scorpio, you're asking for a repeat of the motorcycle asshole.

You have to accept the reality of your situation and take proactive, concrete steps to solve it now. This Scorpio may not con you like the last man did; however, there are many ways to break a heart, and if you don't get clear on your boundaries now, then Saturn return will probably make you regret it.

With that said, Saturn returns can be very good and healthy if you take responsibility and control. This is also a phenomenal time to meet with a therapist to go deep around emotional issues, thanks to philosophical Jupiter's recent entry into deep, emotional Scorpio—a sign that's known for its ability to go beneath the surface of any difficult situation. The Saturn return is a rough time; however, it's also often when we overcome some of our deepest fears and become stronger than we were before—which ultimately can lead to real, lasting happiness.

— Annabel

Dear Annabel,
I have spent most of the past year and a half struggling in multiple areas of life. I am a Libra sun with Pisces rising, and as my 40th birthday rapidly approaches, I find myself spiraling further and further into feelings of sadness, loneliness, hopelessness, and emptiness. Struggles with finances, an aimless job search, relationship troubles, isolation and loneliness like I have never known—all of these things have led me to question my own value, purpose, and identity. I feel lost and hopeless. I thought Jupiter's time in Libra—which started on September 9, 2016 and ended on October 10, 2017—was supposed to bring blessings and joy! Are there happier days ahead?


— Sad Libra

Dear Sad Libra,
Jupiter is a lucky planet, but it also rules growth and expansion—which isn't always a good thing. Whatever you're going through will be magnified by Jupiter's presence, which can be very overwhelming and all-consuming, especially if it's in your sign. Libra is the sign of relationships (in addition to justice); it's also an Air sign, which means it's all about communication and connection. As an Air sign, you'll likely feel like you're not on the right path if you're not in fulfilling partnerships, romantically or professionally.

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The Sun in astrology symbolizes our center, our unique individuality. Your sun, as you said, is in Libra—the sign Jupiter just left. Have you been your true self? This is a broad question, and it can be as superficial as being able to dye your hair whatever crazy color you want or as deep as being able to freely express your pain to your parents. If you've been feeling unable to express your solar individuality, this might be part of the reason this transit was so upsetting. Don't be afraid to leave relationships that aren't working for you, and definitely push yourself to meet new people.

The good news is that as of October 10, Jupiter is out of your sign and in Scorpio. For Libras in particular, this is a good omen: It means Jupiter is entering the part of your chart that rules finances and self-worth, and a big pay-off is coming from something you were focusing on over the last year. Do your best to stay optimistic—Jupiter asks us to have faith, which can be hard after a difficult year. For everyone, this is a fantastic time to connect with others on a deep level because Scorpio loves intimacy. Be your true self, Libra, and open yourself up to Jupiter in Scorpio's potential!

— Annabel

Do you have a pressing question for Annabel? Email us with the subject line "DEAR ANNABEL":