This story is over 5 years old.


Pony Time and Team Dresch in Seattle

My band Pony Time was lucky enough to get to play with some personal heroes of mine, Team Dresch, last night at Chop Suey in Seattle and I will tell you all about it.

This is Team Dresch.

My band Pony Time was lucky enough to get to play with some personal heroes of mine, Team Dresch, last night at Chop Suey in Seattle and I will tell you all about it.  First of all, I was invited to play this show by my ex-girlfriend's new girlfriend for their new feminist organization (Nth Wave) as a benefit for marriage equality so it turns out I am one of the gayest people on earth.


This is my band, Pony Time.

Doors were at 8pm and by 8:30pm the crowd was about 97% classic lesbian. I mistakenly thought I saw Hannah Blilie from the Gossip like 20 times.

Pony Time played first and I had a microphone just for banter that I ended up having to hold with my hand at the drums and it was weird and uncomfortable. I came out to my bandmate Luke finally though so I guess it was worth it. There were a group of girls in the front taking A LOT of pictures of me, leading me to believe that they thought we were someone else. Hopefully I will never see these photos.

I only caught a couple songs of the next band, Your Heart Breaks, as I was using this time to smoke a joint next to the dumpsters and catch up with some friends I hadn't seen for awhile.  A Team Dresch show is a little like the lesbian Academy Awards or something. All the stars were out.  I also used this time to explain to some of my younger friends who Team Dresch were and why they were such a BIG HUGE FUCKING DEAL. "They sang songs about their GIRLFRIENDS!! In the 90's!!"  I think they got it.

Team Dresch melting faces. 

Team Dresch came on and were very charming, and looked great, and were featuring original drummer Marci Martinez. They opened with "Hate the Christian Right" and everyone immediately felt fifteen. They played every song I wanted to hear and were really funny and were not shy about starting songs over again if they fucked up.  I believe "She's Amazing" took three tries to fully pull off.  Everyone completely lost their minds during "Freewheel" because, duh.  At the end of their set they thanked Pony Time for letting them borrow some gear and said we were awesome and I felt like I had just won the showcase showdown or something, it was so fucking cool.  Anyway, they came back on for two ENCORES and everyone double lost their shit during "Fagetarian and Dyke" which sounded really really good still. Jody Bleyle at one point said they were going to keep playing until everyone was allowed to get married, but not two by two, the entire crowd at once.  She believed that would be the wave of the future, crowd marriages.

After the show Jody and I became best friends and I am fairly sure I got her to agree to go on tour with us.

The show was amazing.  It was a hotbed of lesbian drama, the xanax was out, and the back patches flowed freely.  It was everything I thought it would be.

Learn more about Pony Time here.