This story is over 5 years old.


Girl Eats Food - Lazy Chicken Wangz

A treat for rude boys, brought to you by Smash.

Many think of Smash as a rancid potato slop bulked up with sawdust, marketed at people too lazy to breathe, let alone squash a potato. But these people are chumps. Unimaginative chumps, who know nothing of Smash’s versatility: From soaking up schoolyard vomit to an off the chain and half-assed chicken batter, Smash is smashing. I guess if you’re a snob, your first instinct with these may be to vom violently. It’ll probably be your second instinct too. But if you’re grossed out at the idea of dipping economy poultry into 80 pence insta-mash, just think back at all the times that you didn’t die after eating unspecified bird dregs from chicken places where the hygiene certificate is scrawled on the wall in blood. Lazy Chicken Wangz Ignoring the cheese, oil, and spud crumbs you’re going to bathe them in, this oven-cooked recipe is a super food when compared to all those Dallas Fried Chicken shops run by Turkish teenagers. There’s also less chance you’ll have to avoid a shanking if you decide you need poultry after midnight. Ingredients 1 x Packet of Smash
1 x Packet of Chicken wings
1 x cheap and nasty block of cheese
A few eggs


Step 1.

By now I shouldn’t be having to hold your hand every time we season, flavour your Smash with whatever the fuck you like. Use lithium for all I care.

Step 2.

Grate in the most offensive cheese you can find. As this stuff cost less than most chocolate bars, it's about as offensive as that Rabbi Hitler sketch Tim Allen once did.

Step 3.

Whisk some eggs, I dunno, like three, then place it out beside lazy girls' chicken dust and a baking dish pre-smeared in cooking oil. It's a tricolour of healthy eating. Liberté, Egalité, Scurvé!

Step 4.

Double dip your baby pink wangz into the egg and then the cheesy mix.

The Smash will start congealing around your fingers like potato impetigo, so move fast.

Step 5.

Once your chicken things are swamped in grease and dairy, stick the lot in the oven on 200c for half an hour.

If they start to look radioactive, then they’re good to go. Dunk in hot sauce and eat, happy in the knowlege that they're literally a billion times better than 90% of the chicken being consumed by rude boys Britain-wide.




Previously: Girl Eats Food - Sleepy Whoopie Pies

Really fucking hungry? Check out Joanna Fuertes-Knight's (totally free) online cookbook! It's got every Girl Eats Food recipe ever in it.