Nick Gazin's Winter Photo Bonanza


This story is over 5 years old.


Nick Gazin's Winter Photo Bonanza

All of my photos are great but I've taken the greatest of the great to shove onto this website. I used to do it monthly but now it's just seasonal, like my affective disorder.

Oh Hello There,

I am not a real photographer, but photography isn't a real art, so maybe I am one after all. All of my photos are great but I've taken the greatest of the great to shove onto this website. I used to do it monthly but now it's just seasonal, like my affective disorder.

I also include a downloadable mix CD which I encourage you to listen to while you look at the photos I took. The CD is made up of the music I was listening to during that period but each song is also a veiled attempt to seem worldly and hinting at how much I love you and want you to love me. It starts off with songs about being sad and then gets more upbeat, gets real angry, and ends with seven different versions of "Ready to Fight."


You can see the best photos I took last fall here and download a mix CD I made to accompany them here.

And here are the best photos I took from last Summer. Oh, how do you measure a year in the life of a woman or man? Measure in time. Like the grains of sand in a desert, so too are the days of our lives, stretching on for as far as the eye can see.

I guess the next time you'll see the best of my photos is at the end of spring and the beginning of summer. I hope we're both still around to experience that.

Until Then,

Nicholas Gazin, Important Photographer
