This story is over 5 years old.


Finally: A Videogame Car

You’ve probably dreamed about it growing up, but Giant Robot’s Eric Nakamura has built it.

If you told me four years ago that a car company would be raising the banner for chiptunes and indie videogame culture, I'd have laughed and told you you're nuts. But it would seem that Scion, the "hip," youth-focused branch of Toyota, has found a friend in Asian culture & art mag Giant Robot, who have in turn enlisted artist Matt Furie and indie game developer Chevy Ray Johnston to create Return of the Quack, a stylized, artsy shoot-em-up that can be played from behind the driver's seat of the decked-out xB.


The trunk also conceals Famicom and Wii consoles, which display classic games like Mega Man and Super Mario Bros tailgate-style via projectors located at the front and rear of the car. But the vehicle's true magic is in the details: The seat buckles are adorned with old Famicom controllers, the shift is a joystick and a NES cartridge, not a key, starts the ignition…

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