This story is over 5 years old.

Question Of The Day

How Old or Young Would You Go?

"You do get some hot older foxes."

Jerry Lee Lewis as a 22-year-old in 1958, right around the time he married a 13-year-old. (Image via)

Someone once said that age is just a number. And they're right – it is just a number, but let's not forget that some people care a lot about numbers, like statisticians or autistic savants with a passion for mathematics, for example. Two people who clearly don't care about numbers or the age they represent are the eight-year-old boy and 61-year-old woman who got married in South Africa this week.


Despite the fact the marriage was for spiritual reasons, there was definitely something incredibly creepy about seeing a boy in a mini silver suit holding hands with a woman who has children more than four times his age. We've all dated up or down a few years, but 53 and its whole half a century stigma thing might be a little too much. That got us to wondering what the cut off point with dating is, so decided to go and ask some people because we couldn't make our minds up. London, how old or young would you go?

James, 23, intern at Religion: I dunno, er… 18 at the youngest, maybe 26 or 27 being the oldest.

VICE: So nothing too adventurous then.
Yeah, I mean, I’ve been on dates with people who are like 30 and it’s just weird. You don’t really have anything in common. Then again, you do get some hot older foxes. I do have a friend going out with someone 20 years older than them. So you wouldn’t rule it out?
Maybe not, but they’d have to be exceptionally hot. The idea of going out with someone as old as my parents would kinda freak me out.


Sarah, 28, designer: I don’t know – I’ve never really thought about it before. I don't believe you. Thought about it yet?
Well, nobody would say no to George Clooney.

What about George Clooney's hot single dad?
No! Not that old! What about a billionaire pensioner?
No, that’s so mean! That’s horrible, I would never do that. Good. Less competition for me.


Ceria, 27, music manager: Well, my boyfriend is 43. That's ancient. Is he youthful like you? Or are you really mature?
Probably a bit of both. At first I didn’t realise though, I thought he was younger and I think he thought I was older. It was a bit awkward – we didn’t actually ask each other’s age until about a month in. Are there benefits to dating an older guy?
Well, the positive thing is that I’m dating someone who I actually like. It doesn’t make much difference what age they are. But the negative thing is, I’m thinking 'Why is he 43 and not had kids or marriage or anything yet?' I mean, I want those things. Do people ever think he's your dad?
Oh my god! I hope not. Nobody’s ever said anything, but I guess I can’t rule it out. Would you date a guy 16 years younger than you?
Oh no. I’ve tried in the past, but I just get annoyed with younger men. Fair. Simon, 43, film distributor: Well, legality is one thing. Yes, yes it is. So, 18 then?
Well, I mean, I’m 43 today, but I don’t think age is really that relevant. It’s different when you’re telling other people about it, but personally I don’t think it really matters. Happy birthday! So you’d go anywhere within the legal limit?
I’d say actually, for it to work, probably ten years either way. No 21-year-olds?
I certainly wouldn’t say no. Can’t say it would be a long-term thing though, if you get what I mean.

I'm pretty certain I get what you mean. What about 91 and loaded?
That’s just a different set of values, it’s not a genuine relationship. But some people just don’t care what outsiders think – and that’s good for them, so if you manage to come to some kind of fucked-up agreement and you’re OK with it, then go for it.

Go get drunk, what are you still doing here?

Previously – Would You Go into Mourning if David Cameron Died?