This story is over 5 years old.


A Cool Gift Bounty of Cool Things for the Cool People in Your Life

Well here it is, less than two weeks away from Christmas, and you still haven't figured out what to buy for all of the relevant and socially, or sexually climable people in your life.

Well here it is, less than two weeks away from Christmas, and you still haven't figured out what to buy for all of the relevant and socially, or sexually, climable people in your life. Perhaps you are not very swift at coming up with ideas on the fly. Perhaps you are not very swift at having ideas. Well don't worry!!!! As someone who gets more packages in the mail, and spends more money that she doesn't have than anyone I can think of, I'm certain that I can help. Here are just a few things that I suckered people into sending me under the guise of a "gift guide" because I wanted them either for myself, or to give as gifts this holiday season. But now LOOK! It's a GIFT GUIDE!


This Morrissey sweater is available via VIVA MOZ  and is called the "Vulgar Face" sweater. Don't you just love that? I've already worn mine three times since I got it in the mail, and it's so soft that you don't even have to wear a t-shirt under it. As of now, the Viva Moz shop says that they're sold out of this particular sweater, which means that you probably won't be able to get it to anyone in time for Christmas, but maybe you can just draw someone a picture of it in a card with a message that says "I'm gonna buy this for you some day."

They also have bobble heads. These are still in stock.

This amazing sack by Poler is called The Napsack, and this picture is a bit blurry because I was pissed to have to even take it off for five seconds to give to someone for the sake of a picture. If you buy one thing this winter, for any reason at all, you should buy one of these. Do you like to nap? Do you like to be warm? Do you like to not have to wear clothes, and yet be considered "clothed?" Just buy one. Buy twenty of them. Oh, and this may make you either want one even more, or want to kill your own self, depending on what kind of cool or shitty person you are, but Lena Dunham can briefly be seen wearing one in the trailer for season two of Girls.

Poler also sent along a whole case of these reusable heat bags. I was really excited about these for some reason. I think because they come in these crinkly silver pouches. I tried to give some out to each of my co-workers, especially the ones who ride bikes, but everyone just acted like I was trying to inject them with AIDS, or wipe a booger on them. You should buy these for anyone who has hands, or get some for yourself and keep them in your bag or car. They're insanely practical.


Exactly one month ago, we did a post on Chicago artist Meaghan Garvey and mentioned her Etsy shop, which includes things like this golden gem of an Aaliyah candle pictured above. Meaghan's shop is under the name Moneyworth, and if you don't buy people some candles, or:

This amazing Kanye tweet shirt. Then you're an asshole.

I forget how I came across this beautiful lamp by ALLT Studio, but I begged them to send me one all the way from Slovakia, and I can't even use it because it has a non-American friendly plug. Maybe you can buy one for someone who lives in Slovakia? It's so pretty.
