This story is over 5 years old.


Motherboard GIFs Internet Week a New One

I know what you're thinking and yes, every week _is_ Internet Week at Motherboard, but that doesn't mean we can hang our hats and stare down the business end of a glass of scotch when the actual Internet Week happens. Quite the contrary. In fact, this...

I know what you’re thinking and yes, every week is Internet Week at Motherboard, but that doesn’t mean we can hang our hats and stare down the business end of a glass of scotch when the actual Internet Week happens. Quite the contrary. In fact, this year they’re giving Motherboard 45 minutes to blow your ever-loving minds on stage and we’re going HAM talking about animated gifs with a few of our favorite Internet people. Trust us, this isn’t going to be some fluffy marketing biz-talk. We’re getting intellectual on one of the Internet’s most lasting cultural touchstones, the GIF

Motherboard at Internet Week: Choosey Netizens Choose GIF!

It all goes down Tuesday, May 15th at noon. Check out the Internet Week website for more details. I’m anticipating that it’ll be the closest thing to a GG Allin performance Internet Week has ever seen. We’ll be announcing our guests over the weekend so keep your eyes and ears peeled for that. Oh, and the rest of the VICE family will be present throughout the week as well, so be sure to stay tuned to The Creators Project, Noisey and VICE for updates.

Follow Motherboard on Twitter and Facebook if you don’t already and, you know, let’s have fun and stuff.

Check out the flyer below for even more information and see you next week!
