This story is over 5 years old.


Aphex Twin Has Been Nominated for the UK's Prestigious Mercury Prize

Is this the moment electronic music FINALLY gets some recognition!?

Right now, the whole of the United Kingdom is sat in a fuzzy daze wondering what the fuck just happened. Has the very famous and critically adored producer known as Aphex Twin really been nominated for a very famous music prize? Has it really happened? Have the gods over at the Mercury Prize 2015 shortlist really nominated Aphex Twin for the prestigious and very important Mercury Prize? Has this happened? Has Lauren Laverne really just announced that Syro by Aphex Twin has been nominated for the Mercury? Has she? Is this all a dream, is anything really real, WHAT IS HAPPENING!?


Yes, it is real: Aphex Twin has been nominated for the Mercury. Is this it? Is this finally the moment that electronic music FINALLY gets some attention? We can only hope. Now we've only got to wait a few agonising months to see Aphex Twin lose out to either Wolf Alice or some dweeb with a ukelele and a beard. And that'd be crushing wouldn't it. It'd be the end of the world.

The rest of the 2015 Mercury Prize shortlist is being announced by Lauren Laverne over on 6music all morning.