This Easy Winter Salad Is Basically Just Baked Beets


This story is over 5 years old.


This Easy Winter Salad Is Basically Just Baked Beets

Salt-baked beetroot with caramelised goat cheese is a proven cure for the January blues.

We don't care what your Instagram feed says, January isn't the time for self-reflection or cutting major food groups out of your diet. It's a month that should be dedicated to making duvet nests and getting really into obscure David Simon shows. Preferably while enjoying hot, carbohydrate-based snacks.

Glad we got that cleared up. Now we can stop pretending we like gluten-free energy balls and focus on eating stuff that delivers maximum taste—but with minimum effort because, y'know, motivation is tough when the weather is in Morrissey mode.

Stuff like this salt-baked beetroot with goat cheese and hazelnuts from chef David Carter of London's Smokestak restaurant, for example. Sure, it's a winter salad of such, but the hearty helping of caramelised cheese and toasted nuts on top of those salty, earthy beets makes it worthy of a far less basic title.

RECIPE: Salt-Baked Beets

To make this January blues-beating dish, simply bake your beets in rock salt and top with the cheese and hazelnuts, before blowtorching the whole thing (or popping back into the oven) until golden.

Now, get back under that blanket. Seasons one to seven of Gilmore Girls aren't going to watch themselves.